Portuguese (PORTUG)

PORTUG 1840 Elementary Portuguese 4 Credits

The primary goal of the elementary Portuguese course is to develop the four basic language skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Particular attention will be placed on understanding basic grammatical concepts and then applying them by oral communicative interaction in Portuguese and written exercises.
Components: Discussion, Laboratory, Class
GE: Foreign Language-First Term, World Languages-First Term
Typically Offered: Occasionally

PORTUG 1940 Elementary Portuguese 4 Credits

A continuation of PORTUG 1840 in which students will continue to cultivate a basic fluency in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing in Portuguese.
Components: Discussion, Laboratory, Class
GE: Foreign Language-First Term, World Languages-First Term
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: PORTUG 1840
Typically Offered: Occasionally