Women's and Gender Studies (WOMGENDR)

For up-to-date information on when online courses from the Distance Learning Campus are typically offered, see https://www.uwplatt.edu/department/professional-program-support/course-offerings.

WOMGENDR 1130 Introduction to Women's & Gender Studies 3 Credits

Introduction to major topics related to women and gender through an interdisciplinary examination of the role of representation of women and gender in humanities, social sciences, natural science, and/or medicine. A primary focus is on historical and cultural trends in such institutions as the family, education, law, politics and economics in the US.
Components: Class
GE: Gender Studies, Humanities
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

WOMGENDR 2080 Psychology of Women and Gender 3 Credits

The process and consequences of gender development; review of current gender research and theory in the context of cultural, psychological, biological, historical, and cross-cultural perspectives. The course focuses on the influence of gender in areas such as cognition, value systems, achievement, interpersonal relationships, aggression, and sexuality.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: PSYCHLGY 2080
GE: Gender Studies, Social Sciences
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: PSYCHLGY 1130
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

WOMGENDR 2150 Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies 3 Credits

Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies is an interdisciplinary course covering the history, culture, and politics of LGBTQ+ persons around the world. The course seeks to theorize, document, uncover, and revise our existing knowledge about same-sex attraction and gender identity and also examine a wide range of related historical figures and events. Using the lenses of social science, science, and the humanities, the course explores ways in which sexual orientation and gender limit and expand individual experience.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: ENGLISH 2150
GE: Gender Studies, Humanities
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENGLISH 1130 or ENGLISH 1040; P or C: ENGLISH 1230; or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall

WOMGENDR 2230 Gender and Society 3 Credits

This course applies social scientific theories of gender to an investigation of women's and men's roles in society. In so doing, it is particularly concerned with understanding existing gender inequalities. Rather than approaching gender, sex, and sexuality as fixed, innate characteristics, students examine how media, education, family, and other social institutions and interactions continually shape and define these social categories.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: SOCIOLGY 2230
GE: Gender Studies, Social Sciences
Typically Offered: Occasionally

WOMGENDR 2330 Women, Gender, and Justice 3 Credits

This course focuses on research about the experiences women and gender minorities have with crime and the criminal justice system. Additionally, this course addresses the basic social science perspectives on genders and sexualities. This course covers theories and patterns of the nature of crime with respect to gender, victimization, offending, legislation and policies, criminal justice-related social movements, and professional participation in the criminal justice system. This course discusses and applies traditional theoretical explanations as well as feminist and critical criminological explanation of these patterns. Last, throughout this course, students will practice employing an intersectional perspective to these social phenomena by looking at gender issues vis-à-vis race, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic status, etc.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: CRIMLJUS 2330
GE: Gender Studies, Social Sciences
Typically Offered: Fall

WOMGENDR 2430 Women and Health 3 Credits

This course provides a comprehensive view of women's health through a wide variety of experiences and activities, focusing on the various aspects of wellness, mental health, reproductive health issues, and the aging process.
Components: Class
GE: Gender Studies, HHP-Wellness
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

WOMGENDR 2490 Gender in Film 3 Credits

This course will offer students a lens through which to study the complex role of gender in society and will explore how the film industry reflects the larger gender inequities in worldwide cultural, economic, and artistic structures. The course will examine film representations of women and men to analyze stereotypes and misconceptions that continue to be disseminated. The course will also introduce students to a wide range of films written or directed by women and will consider the ways in which female filmmakers have responded to, critiqued, or challenged dominant patriarchal representations.
Components: Discussion, Class
Cross Offering: ENGLISH 2490
GE: Gender Studies, Humanities
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENGLISH 1040 or ENGLISH 1130; P or C: ENGLISH 1230; or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall - odd year

WOMGENDR 2730 Women in Science and Engineering 3 Credits

This course utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to examine the causes underlying the historical and contemporary gender disparity in science and engineering. Factors contributing to underepresentation, feminist critiques of science, as well as women in STEM in, K-12 education, higher education, and the workplace are considered.
Components: Class
GE: Gender Studies, Social Sciences
Typically Offered: Fall

WOMGENDR 2830 Survey of Women Writers 3 Credits

Survey of women writers in the English language with a focus on the themes, issues, and concerns that tie women's writing together and create a 'women's literary tradition.' British, American, and international writers are included.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: ENGLISH 2830
GE: Gender Studies, Humanities
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENGLISH 1130 or ENGLISH 1040; P or C: ENGLISH 1230; or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall

WOMGENDR 2890 Topics in Women's and Gender Studies 3 Credits

Selected topics in women and gender studies. The specific topic will vary each semester and will be announced in the class schedule. May be repeated for credit under different topic headings.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Occasionally

WOMGENDR 3110 LGBTQ+ Literature for Young Adults 3 Credits

An analysis of selected LGBTQ+ literature and films especially suitable for young adults of high school age with an emphasis on approaches and methods for teaching literature and addressing the needs of LGBTQ+ students.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: ENGLISH 3110
GE: Gender Studies, Humanities
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: (ENGLISH 1130 or ENGLISH 1040) and ENGLISH 1230
Typically Offered: Fall - odd year

WOMGENDR 3170 Space, Place, and Gender 3 Credits

An introduction to gender and geography. The role of gender in the study of geography, which is concerned with places, linkages, patterns of flow, locations, landscape, and the social/political/economic production of space.
Components: Discussion, Class
Cross Offering: ENVSS 3170
GE: Gender Studies
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

WOMGENDR 3200 Gender and Popular Culture 3 Credits

This course examines the theoretical and practical ways that popular culture represents, creates, and challenges stereotypes of women, men, and differently gendered people. Students will explore dominant strategies and theories used in the creation and analysis of advertising, television, music, movies, and popular literature, as well as the emerging commercial media of Internet advertising, digitized movies, and blogs. We will focus primarily, but not exclusively on popular culture experienced within (or exported from) the United States.
Components: Class
GE: Gender Studies, Social Sciences
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENGLISH 1230 and WOMGENDR 1130
Typically Offered: Occasionally

WOMGENDR 3280 LGBTQ+ Literature 3 Credits

While focusing primarily on contemporary LGBTQ+ fiction, this course also provides an overview of the evolution of international LGBTQ+ literatures from their beginnings to the present, including such authors as Sappho, Hafiz, Sadi, Whitman, Wilde, Cather, Woolf, Forster, Gide, Hughes, Lorca, Rimbaud, Stein, Baldwin, Bishop, Ginsberg, and Lorde.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: ENGLISH 3280
GE: Gender Studies, Humanities
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: (ENGLISH 1130 or ENGLISH 1040) and ENGLISH 1230
Typically Offered: Fall - even year

WOMGENDR 3330 Topics in Women & Gender Studies 2-3 Credits

Selected topics in women and gender studies. The specific topic will vary each semester and will be announced in the class schedule. May be repeated for credit under different topic headings.
Components: Class
GE: Gender Studies
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: three credits in women studies
Typically Offered: Occasionally

WOMGENDR 3340 Management, Gender & Race 3 Credits

This course reviews the changing nature of management and explains why gender and race/ethnicity have become important concerns of business. It examines the status of women and people of color in managerial or administrative positions and discusses socialization processes, stereotypes, equal employment opportunity laws, diversity management, illegal harassment, and power in organizations. Networking, mentoring, work/life balance, and career planning also are addressed.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: BUSADMIN 3340, ETHNSTDY 3340
GE: Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: 45 credits
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

WOMGENDR 3430 Women and the Arts 3 Credits

The focus is on the contributions of women in the areas of theatre, dance, music, film, and the visual arts. In addition to classroom participation, the course includes attendance at live performances and presentations by guest lecturers.
Components: Class
GE: Fine Arts, Gender Studies
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

WOMGENDR 3520 American Women's History 3 Credits

Surveys the changing patterns of domestic and family life, work, education and public participation of American women from the Colonial period to the present.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: HISTORY 3520
GE: Gender Studies, Historical Perspective
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: HISTORY 2330 or HISTORY 2430 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Occasionally

WOMGENDR 3530 Philosophy of Gender and Sexuality 3 Credits

A philosophical examination of questions about gender and sexuality, such as: How do philosophers explain gender and sexuality? How do gender and sexuality influence one's reality, knowledge, experience autonomy, choices, and prospects for achieving a good, just, and meaningful life? How do new fields in philosophy (e.g. feminist epistemology, feminist ethics, etc.) open up new possibilities for gender and sexuality?
Components: Class
Cross Offering: PHLSPHY 3530
GE: Gender Studies, Humanities
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: three credits in philosophy or WOMGENDR 1130 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Occasionally

WOMGENDR 3650 Women and Gender in Latin American History 3 Credits

Examines the continuities and ruptures in the lives of Latin American women from the colonial period to the present. Compares and contrasts the roles of women from different classes, ethnic groups, and regions. This course considers women's history through individual life stories and by looking at the social, cultural, and institutional contexts of their lives, with a focus on women as historical actors.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: HISTORY 3650
GE: Global Studies (former Int Ed), Historical Perspective, International Education
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: HISTORY 2020 or HISTORY 2430 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Occasionally

WOMGENDR 3700 Women in European Civilization 3 Credits

Covers activities of, and attitudes towards, women in ancient Greece and Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the 19th century, the two modern wars, and the end of the 20th century. Analyzes women in the context of family life, work life, education, politics, science, and social movements.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: HISTORY 3700
GE: Gender Studies, Historical Perspective
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: HISTORY 2010 or HISTORY 2020 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Occasionally

WOMGENDR 3830 Black Women and Feminism in the U.S. 3 Credits

An interdisciplinary examination of the historical and contemporary relationship between black women in the United States and the feminist movement. Authors discussed may include Frances Harper, Ida Wells-Barnett, bell hooks, Audre Lorde, and others.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: ETHNSTDY 3830
GE: Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies
Prereqs/Coreqs: sophomore standing to enroll in this class
Typically Offered: Fall

WOMGENDR 4660 Cooperative Field Experience 3 Credits

Enhancement of the educational experience through placement of a student with a cooperating agency, business, industry or institution. The nature of the assignment, type of experience, number of credits and evaluation procedure to be stipulated in a statement of agreement (learning contract) between the student and department.
Components: Field Studies
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: WOMGENDR 1130 and junior standing
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

WOMGENDR 4730 Individual Research in Women's and Gender Studies 3 Credits

Advanced work on a scholarly subject or project, to be directed by a faculty member on the Women's and Gender Studies Program Council.
Components: Independent Study
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: WOMGENDR 1130 and junior standing
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

WOMGENDR 4840 Gay and Lesbian Drama 3 Credits

A detailed survey of the rise and development of gay and lesbian characters and themes in British and primarily American theatre during the 20th Century. Particular emphasis will be placed on dramatic literature and theatrical criticism and production since 1990.Components: Lecture
Components: Class
Cross Offering: THEATRE 4840
GE: Gender Studies
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENGLISH 1230
Typically Offered: Fall - odd year