German (GERMAN)

GERMAN 1240 Elementary German I 4 Credits

Fundamentals of the language and cultures of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Emphasizes listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Components: Class
GE: Foreign Language-First Term, World Languages-First Term
Typically Offered: Fall

GERMAN 1340 Elementary German II 4 Credits

Further development of students' cultural competence and proficiency in the fundamental skills of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing German.
Components: Laboratory, Class
GE: Foreign Language-First Term, World Languages-First Term
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: GERMAN 1240 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Spring

GERMAN 2240 Intermediate German I 4 Credits

Review and development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Exploration of topics in the cultures of German-speaking countries in relation to global citizenry.
Components: Class
GE: Global Studies (former Int Ed), Humanities
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: GERMAN 1340 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Fall

GERMAN 2340 Intermediate German II 4 Credits

Review and further development of oral and written communicative skills. Examination of cultural topics to promote global citizenry.
Components: Class
GE: Global Studies (former Int Ed), Humanities
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: GERMAN 2240 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Spring

GERMAN 2440 Contemporary Germany 3 Credits

This course is designed to introduce students to contemporary Germany. Segments of this course are: German geography; the political system; the economy; business;culture and media; research and educational systems; the social system; the German society; German culture. Course goals are 1) to familiarize students with the economy and culture of this major trade partner of the United States; 2) to understand and reflect on cultural differences including interpersonal behavioral norms and taboos; 3) to prepare students for fruitful interactions with German educational institutions and businesses; 4) to acquire basic German language and cultural skills to aid in successful intercultural communication for business, research or study purposes. The course language is English and includes limited focused German language acquisition for unit lexicon and for individual student research interests. Course does not count toward German major or minor.
Components: Class
GE: Global Studies (former Int Ed), Humanities, International Education
Typically Offered: Alternate springs

GERMAN 3000 World Languages Travel Abroad Seminar 1-4 Credits

A seminar with emphasis on language, literature and culture. Non-language students may take this course in English translation for credit in the humanities but receive no foreign language credit. Students receive from one to four credits in German-or in literature in translation for non-language students. Number of credits depends on the duration of the exposure, the amount of reading, and the quality of written work.
Components: Seminar
GE: Global Studies (former Int Ed), Humanities
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: GERMAN 2240 or equivalent; non-language students should consult the department chairperson
Typically Offered: Occasionally

GERMAN 3220 German Conversation and Composition I 2 Credits

This course stresses basic German conversation as reflected in readings in the humanities (short stories, essays, social and cultural portrayals of the German world, etc.) and in real-life situations.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: GERMAN 2340 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Spring

GERMAN 3320 German Conversation and Composition II 2 Credits

This course stresses basic German conversation as reflected in readings in the humanities (short stories, essays, social and cultural portrayals of the German world, etc.) and in real-life situations.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: GERMAN 2340 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Fall

GERMAN 3330 German Literature of the 20th Century 3 Credits

Contemporary literary movements; representative works in the novel, drama and poetry; lectures and discussion in German.
Components: Class
GE: Global Studies (former Int Ed), Humanities, International Education
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: GERMAN 2340 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Fall

GERMAN 3430 German Literature of the 19th Century 3 Credits

Representative works from late Romanticism and Realism; special emphasis on the novelle of German as well as Austrian and Swiss authors. Lectures and discussions in German.
Components: Class
GE: Global Studies (former Int Ed), Humanities, International Education
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: GERMAN 2340 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Occasionally

GERMAN 3530 German Civilization 3 Credits

The political, social, intellectual, artistic and literary development of the German nation from its origin to the present.
Components: Class
GE: Global Studies (former Int Ed), Humanities, International Education
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: GERMAN 3320 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Occasionally

GERMAN 4220 Phonetics 2 Credits

Theory of German sounds with practical training in pronunciation. Oral practice in language laboratory. Required for a major or teaching minor in German.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: GERMAN 2340 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Occasionally

GERMAN 4250 Supervised Independent Study 1-4 Credits

For advanced students who wish to acquaint themselves further with German literature, civilization or linguistics; thesis type reports and examination; by special permission--number of credits to be determined at the beginning of the course.
Components: Independent Study
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: GERMAN 2340 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring