French (FRENCH)

FRENCH 1040 Elementary French 4 Credits

Conversation, grammar, reading, writing; emphasis on oral practice, structure, vocabulary; language lab.
Components: Class
GE: Foreign Language-First Term, World Languages-First Term
Typically Offered: Fall

FRENCH 1140 Elementary French 4 Credits

Continuation of French 1040; language lab.
Components: Class, Laboratory
GE: Foreign Language-First Term, World Languages-First Term
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: FRENCH 1040 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Spring

FRENCH 2040 Intermediate French 4 Credits

Conversation, review of grammar, reading of stories, emphasis on oral practice, French culture; language lab.
Components: Class
GE: Global Studies (former Int Ed), Humanities, International Education
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: FRENCH 1140 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Fall

FRENCH 2140 Intermediate French 4 Credits

Continuation of French 2040, with emphasis on reading and discussion in French; language lab.
Components: Laboratory, Class
GE: Global Studies (former Int Ed), Humanities, International Education
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: FRENCH 2040
Typically Offered: Spring

FRENCH 3000 Foreign Languages Travel Abroad Seminar 1-4 Credits

A seminar with emphasis on language, literature and culture. Non-language students may take this course in English translation for credit in humanities but receive no foreign language credit. Students receive from 1 to 4 credits in French or in literature translation for non-language students. Number of credits depends on duration of exposure, the amount of reading, and the quality of written work.
Components: Seminar
GE: Global Studies (former Int Ed), Humanities, International Education
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: FRENCH 2040 or equivalent; non-language students should consult the department chairperson
Typically Offered: Occasionally

FRENCH 3220 Advanced French Grammar and Composition 2 Credits

A broad review of French grammar with an emphasis on practical application through the assignment of various composition topics and other writing activities.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: FRENCH 2140 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Fall

FRENCH 3240 Advanced French Conversation 2 Credits

This course stresses the development of conversational skills in French at an advanced level, with special emphasis on proper pronunciation and intonation, as well as the correct use of vocabulary and syntax.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: FRENCH 2140 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Occasionally

FRENCH 3310 Contemporary France and the Francophone World 3 Credits

This course provides an exploration of a range of cultural topics related to contemporary France and the French-speaking world, including literature and the arts, political and social structures, lifestyle and environment, and global influence and connections. Class discussions, presentations, activities, and assessments are conducted in French.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: French 2140 or departmental consent
Typically Offered: Spring - even year

FRENCH 3530 Topics in French Literature and Culture 1-3 Credits

Specific topics dealing with the works of one author, one literary genre or one literary period. Topics may also deal with specific aspects of culture. Due to the limited focus of the course, this course may be taken more than once for credit, provided the content is different.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: FRENCH 2140 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Occasionally

FRENCH 3720 Professional French 3 Credits

This course is designed to develop students' vocabulary in professional French, as well as their cultural knowledge about working and communicating in an international environment. Students will explore a range of scenarios taken from real-world experiences in the professional workplace. Class discussions, presentations, activities, and assessments will be conducted in French.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: French 2140 or departmental consent
Typically Offered: Spring - odd year

FRENCH 4050 Supervised Independent Study 1-4 Credits

For advanced students wishing to acquaint themselves further with French literature, or civilization; discussion and written reports. By special permission of the instructor--number of credits will be determined at the beginning of the course.
Components: Independent Study
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: FRENCH 2140 or equivalent
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring