Environmental Horticulture (ENVHORT)

ENVHORT 1240 Introduction to Plant Science 3 Credits

This course introduces students to the broad spectrum of disciplines which make up the plant sciences, within the context of resilience and long-term sustainability. The objectives of this course are to gain understanding of the fundamental principles of plant morphology and physiology, identification, propagation, management, and cultural practices. This course will utilize lectures, demonstrations, theoretical activities, and hands-on learning activities.
Components: Laboratory, Class
Cross Offering: SCSCI 1240
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

ENVHORT 2280 Woody Landscape Plants 3 Credits

The identification, propagatin, and use of woody ornamental plants important to Midwestern landscapes including deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs, and ground covers.
Components: Laboratory, Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 1240 or SCSCI 1240 or BIOLOGY 1350 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Fall

ENVHORT 3230 Turfgrass Management 3 Credits

The basic principles and practices involved in the establishment and maintenance of turfgrass species.
Components: Laboratory, Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 1240 or SCSCI 1240 or BIOLOGY 1350 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Fall - odd year

ENVHORT 3240 Herbaceous Plants 2 Credits

Identification, use, management and propagation of herbaceous annual, biennial and perennial plant species important in Midwest landscapes will be discussed.
Components: Laboratory, Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 1240 or SCSCI 1240 or BIOLOGY 1350 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Fall

ENVHORT 3270 Landscape Design 3 Credits

An exploration of the basic principles and practices of landscape design including the art of landscapes, comprehensive site analysis and base map preparation, design principles, understanding and respect for the plant materials in landscapes, graphic skills and preparation of landscape drawings.
Components: Laboratory, Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 2280 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Spring

ENVHORT 3280 Landscape Construction 3 Credits

The principles and practices for construction and installation of various landscape features in the urban environment will be introduced. Topics will focus on the identification and application of materials for landscape construction in the urban environment. Emphasis will be placed on the use of appropriate safety practices, construction of structures associated with landscape projects, and pricing and bidding techniques.
Components: Class, Laboratory
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 1240 or SCSCI 1240 or BIOLOGY 1350 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Fall

ENVHORT 3300 Fruit and Vegetable Production 3 Credits

The basic principles and practices involved in the production and marketing of temperate zone vegetables, tree fruits, and small fruits.
Components: Laboratory, Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 1240 or SCSCI 1240 or BIOLOGY 1350 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Spring - odd year

ENVHORT 3310 Agronomy, Horticulture and Ecological Restoration Seminar 1 Credit

Review of current literature, career exploration, and professional development.
Components: Seminar
Cross Offering: ECORES 3310, SCSCI 3310
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 1240 or SCSCI 1240 or ENVHORT 1320 or SCSCI 1260 or ECORES 1010 or BIOLOGY 1350, junior standing or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Spring

ENVHORT 3320 Landscape Management 3 Credits

The theories and practices that support horticultural principles as applied to the management of plants and landscapes in the Midwest will be discussed. Topics include landscape design and grounds management, pruning, irrigation and nutrient management, integrated pest management as well as marketing landscape services, and estimating and preparing job bids.
Components: Class, Laboratory
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 2280 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Fall

ENVHORT 3360 Greenhouse Operation and Management 3 Credits

The basic principles and practices involved in the production and marketing of commercial greenhouse flower crops, foliage plants, and bedding plants.
Components: Class, Laboratory
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 1240 or SCSCI 1240 or ENVHORT 1320 or SCSCI 1260 or BIOLOGY 1350 and completion of English and math competency requirements or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Spring

ENVHORT 3370 Undergraduate Research in Environmental Horticulture 1-3 Credits

Students conduct research projects with faculty in Environmental Horticulture or Plant Biotechnology.
Components: Independent Study
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 1320 or ENVHORT 1240 or SCSCI 1240 or BIOLOGY 1350 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

ENVHORT 3400 Special Topics in Environmental l Horticulture 1-3 Credits

Discussion of contemporary topics relevant to the field of Environmental Horticulture.
Components: Independent Study
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 1320 or ENVHORT 1240 or SCSCI 1240 or BIOLOGY 1350 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

ENVHORT 3750 Environmental Horticulture Internship 3-6 Credits

Supervised experiential learning opportunities in cooperation with businesses and pubic agencies related to environmental horticulture.
Components: Field Studies
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: 45 credits completed or IP and 12 credits of ENVHORT completed or IP and good standing, and approval of internship coordinator.
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

ENVHORT 3850 Pre-Capstone Seminar in Plant and Soil Sciences 1 Credit

This course will instruct students in the formation of a proposal for their capstone experience/project. Students will engage in professional development activities.
Components: Seminar
Cross Offering: RECLAM 3850, SCSCI 3850
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: SCSCI 1240 / ENVHORT 1240 or ECORES 1010, and junior standing, or consent of instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

ENVHORT 4260 Interior Plants 3 Credits

This course discusses the basics of interior plant culture including the important foliage and flowering plant species used in interior plantscapes, common propagation and production techniques, plant quality evaluation plus design, installation and maintenance of plants in interior settings.
Components: Laboratory, Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 1240 or SCSCI 1240 or ENVHORT 1320 or SCSCI 1260 or BIOLOGY 1350 and completion of English and math competency requirements or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Spring - odd year

ENVHORT 4270 Advanced Landscape Design 3 Credits

Landscape design concepts and trends over time will be discussed with an emphasis on significant figures and works. Topics will focus on incorporation of functional and sustainable landscape design within the context of the traditional and modern landscape. Emphasis will be placed on the application, use, and realization of computer aided design software.
Components: Laboratory, Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 3270 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Spring - even year

ENVHORT 4310 Capstone Experience in Plant and Soil Sciences 3 Credits

A capstone course for students in their last year of study focused on solving practical agronomic, horticultural, or environmental problems using knowledge and skills gained through coursework and experience.
Components: Practicum
Cross Offering: RECLAM 4310, SCSCI 4310
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ENVHORT 3850 / SCSCI 3850 / RECLAM 3850 and Junior Standing or Consent or Instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring