Entrepreneurship (ENTRP)

ENTRP 2010 Social Context of Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3 Credits

Students will develop a capacity and ability to appreciate and comprehend the role and context of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in society and culture. Students will learn and apply the art and science of creativity and innovation, including sources of creativity, tools and processes for increasing the individual and a team's ability to think creatively and be innovative in ways that address the social realities and moral challenges of our time.
Components: Class
GE: Social Sciences
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

ENTRP 2020 Startup Launchpad 3 Credits

This course is based on an experiential entrepreneurial education platform called the Lean Launchpad, the leading business model generator across the globe today. This course uses a project-based, immersive, and intensive approach to generate a scalable business idea with a team, use the Business Model Canvas to make assumptions, perform research, and adapt business ideas based on feedback. The course forces students out of their comfort zone to experience the steps of an early-stage startup team member. Course topics include: idea generation, mapping the environment, customer profiles and customer acquisition, rapid prototyping, pivot or persevere mentality, landing page design, as well as overcoming rejection and failure. Students will cultivate resilience while developing research, communication, presentation, and team building skills.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: completion of 15 credits
Typically Offered: Spring

ENTRP 2030 Accounting & Finance for Entrepreneurs 1 Credit

Students will learn basic accounting and finance concepts. Particular focus will be given to developing understanding and skills necessary to successful start-up and operation of a new venture.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: This course is not open to Business, Accounting, Ag Business majors or minors.
Typically Offered: Occasionally

ENTRP 2040 Marketing & Management for Entrepreneurs 3 Credits

Students will learn basic marketing and management principles. Particular focus will be given to developing understanding and skills necessary to successful start-up and operation of a new venture. Practical application of concepts to new/small business will be incorporated.This course will not fulfill Marketing or Management requirements in the Business, Accounting, Ag Business majors or minors
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Occasionally

ENTRP 3050 New Venture Planning: Social, Commercial, Scientific and Artistic Ventures 3 Credits

This course examines the concepts and tools necessary to pursue social, commercial, scientific, and artistic business ventures. Emphasis will be placed on developing the business concept, validation, protection, resource needs and sources, marketing, finance, management, operations, and preparing to launch a new venture. It will include case studies and examples of new ventures in the social, commercial, scientific and artistic areas. The student will develop thier own business plans as a capstone project.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: BUSADMIN 2630 or AGBUS 2430 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Spring

ENTRP 3060 New Venture Operations 3 Credits

This course covers the operational aspects of running an entrepreneurial endeavor. The students will take the broad concepts of entrepreneurship and implement them. The course covers how to run actual operations of the entrepreneurial endeavor in a hands-on experiential way. The class is an operations class that teaches how to apply the broader concepts to a new venture's daily operations.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: BUSADMIN 2630 or AGBUS 2430 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Fall - odd year

ENTRP 4070 Entrepreneurship Field Experience 1-3 Credits

The Field Experience provides students the ability to 1) practice and integrate their entrepreneurship education, 2) select a path most conducive to their future interests, and 3) reflect on the experience and its link to their entrepreneurial education. Students may choose from among field experiences established specifically for Entrepreneurship, preexisting field experiences where a creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship addendum can be added, or students may develop their own approved field experience. All field experiences will include a reflection process throughout the semester that enables students to assess and process both the experience and entrepreneurship in individual, social, cultural, civic and economic contexts.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer