BME 3030 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 3 Credits
This course provides a broad perspective of biomedical engineering as applied to topics in physiology and medicine including bioethics, biomechanics, and bio-instrumentation.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: 'C-' or better in GENENG 2130; C: BIOLOGY 2340
Typically Offered: Spring
BME 3230 Introduction to Medical Instrumentation 3 Credits
Introduction to medical instrumentation; safety; medical ethics; biopotential signals and sensors; biosignal data acquisition, amplification, and signal processing; error analysis; specifications; device approval process.
Components: Laboratory, Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: 'C-' or better in (ELECTENG 3210 and ELECTENG 3220) OR (MECHENG 3030 and GENENG 2930)
Typically Offered: Fall
BME 4130 Biomechanics 3 Credits
An overview of the human motion analysis and mechanical behavior of biological tissues. Specific topics include: motion analysis, musculoskeletal modeling, structure and function of biological tissues, mechanical properties of biological tissues, and analysis of specific tissues (i.e. bone, muscle, and soft connective tissues.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: 'C-' or better in GENENG 2340, and either GENENG 2230 or ENGRPHYS 3240
Typically Offered: Spring
BME 4330 Biofluidics 3 Credits
Basic concepts and problems of fluid and solid mechanics are introduced and applied to the analysis of blood flow in the macro and microcirculation, and to other physiological flows. Analysis of mathematical and computational models is combined with discussion of physiological mechanisms.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: 'C-' or better in MECHENG 3300
Typically Offered: Fall
BME 4530 Biomaterials 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of biology, materials science, chemistry, and engineering involved in biomaterials. Specific topics include: chemical structure and properties of metals, ceramics and polymers used as biomaterials; biocompatibility and host response; drug release; and basic concept of biostatistics.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: 'C-' or better in CHEMSTRY 1450 and GENENG 2340, or consent of instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring