Art (ART)

For up-to-date information on when online courses from the Distance Learning Campus are typically offered, see

ART 1010 Drawing I: Basic Drawing 3 Credits

Introduction to the basic problems of composition and representation of drawing using a variety of professional media and techniques.
Components: Class
GE: Fine Arts
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 1140 Introduction to the Arts 1 Credit

This course is designed to provide students majoring, minoring, or interested in the performing and visual arts fields with some of the academic and social skills necessary to successfully complete their academic careers. Topics include study skills necessary to maintain success in college-level study, student rights responsibilities, campus diversity issues, academic policies, academic advising and registration, time management, and campus resources. This course is interdisciplinary. Students will not only learn how to thrive in college but also how the arts fields are both intertwined and collaborative. Each semester, faculty from art, music, and theatre will present a theme that illustrates not only the interconnectedness of the performing and visual arts disciplines throughout history, but also the very purpose of a liberal arts education.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: MUSIC 1140, THEATRE 1140
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 1230 Art and Children's Literature for Teachers 3 Credits

Children's development in art from birth through elementary school level; basic theories and practice for presenting art understanding and activities in the classroom. Using literature and illustration as the context for teaching art and teaching with art. (Not for art majors)
Components: Class
GE: Fine Arts
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

ART 1240 Art and Social Studies for Teachers 3 Credits

Focus on art in the classroom. Children's development in art and uses of materials appropriate for children through elementary. Assignments and projects will make use of the content of social studies and multiculturalism.
Components: Class
GE: Fine Arts
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

ART 1410 Painting I: Beginning Painting 3 Credits

Preparations for painting stressing the tools, techniques and principles of painting.
Components: Class
GE: Fine Arts
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

ART 1420 Basic Design I: 2-D 3 Credits

Introduction to the elements and fundamental concepts of two dimensional visual arts.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 1520 Basic Design II: 3-D 3 Credits

Introduction to the elements of three dimensional visual arts.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 1740 Introduction to Digital Media 3 Credits

Introduction to and exploration in Macintosh computer graphics art media; specifically drawing, painting, page layout, and image manipulation applications used in other art courses. Basic computer art terminology and principles are introduced through class lectures with corresponding assignments given. Introduction to computer art hardware and peripheral devices. Lecture and studio course instruction format.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 2140 Art History I: Ancient and Medieval 3 Credits

This course is a global survey of the artistic production from the beginnings of civilization around 3500 BCE through the Middle Ages, roughly 1400 CE. The art, culture and history of Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Islamic world, Mesoamerica, China, India, Japan, sub-Saharan Africa, and Medieval Europe will all be covered. The class will seek to give students an understanding of the past through the diverse artistic production of these cultures. First-hand experience with the art object is fundamental to a viewer's, experience with an artwork. As such the class includes a required trip to one of the world-class art museums in the area.
Components: Class
GE: Fine Arts, Global Studies (former Int Ed)
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 2210 Art History II: Renaissance to Modern 3 Credits

A global history of Art and its History from the late-14th to 20th centuries. Major cultures and styles will be covered including the Renaissance, the art of the Americas, the Baroque, the Art of East Asia, India, Neo-Classicism, Romanticism, Impressionism, sub-Saharan Africa, Oceania, and global Modernism. The class will seek to give students an understanding of the past through the diverse artistic production of these diverse cultures and styles. First-hand experience with the art object is fundamental to a viewer's experience with an artwork. As such the class includes a required trip to one of the world-class art museums in the area.
Components: Class
GE: Fine Arts, Global Studies (former Int Ed)
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 2220 Printmaking I: Introduction to Printmaking 3 Credits

Printmaking One is designed for studio art majors, art education majors, graphic design majors, and anyone interested in learning the techniques and skills of printmaking within a fine art context. This course is designed to accommodate beginning to intermediate level printmakers. All major techniques and the history of printmaking will be explored including: Relief, Screenprint, Etching, Lithography, and Letterpress. The process of producing to completion a work in each one of these mediums will be the primary focus along with craftmanship, studio etiquette, and general function of a printmaking studio.
Components: Laboratory, Class
GE: Fine Arts
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 1010, ART 1410, ART 1420
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 2240 Illustration I 3 Credits

Exploration of various basic illustration media and techniques. Includes skill, visualization and conceptualization development as well as investigations of relationship between illustration, as an individual art form, and graphic design applications.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 1010, ART 1410, and ART 1420
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 2310 Drawing II: Styles 3 Credits

The study of various methods of visual representation exploring the stylistic possibilities of textures, contours and linear pattern.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 1010
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 2410 Painting II: Intermediate Painting 3 Credits

Examines the use of paint as a vehicle to further the formal, conceptual and expressive goals of the artist. Elements of design are investigated within a broad range of thematic assignments.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 1410 and ART 1010
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 2430 Art Survey 3 Credits

A general introduction to the visual arts, including art history, basic principles of design, and the role of creative art both for the individual and in society. Designed to provide guidance in understanding art of all periods and places. (Not for art majors)
Components: Class
GE: Fine Arts
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 2440 Studio Art Practices 3 Credits

This course covers approaches and critical methods for the study of contemporary visual arts. We will explore the many means and media that contemporary artists use to create their work. Emphasis is given to how visual perception and basic art making is understood by individual artists and contemporary art movements.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 2500 Topics in Art 1-3 Credits

The study of selected topics common to visual art discipline s. The topic to be covered will be identified in the course title.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Occasionally

ART 2510 Sculpture I: Basic 3 Credits

Introduction to the concepts and media of three dimensional art.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 1520
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 2520 Ceramics I 3 Credits

Hand and wheel methods in clay production, glazing and firing.
Components: Class
GE: Fine Arts
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

ART 2620 Ceramics II 3 Credits

Continuation of Art 2520, stressing use of the pottery wheel.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2520
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 2710 Graphic Design I: Lettering and Typographic Design 3 Credits

Introduction to the art and techniques of typographical design and applications to graphic design.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 1420
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 2740 Graphic Design II: Introduction to Design Studio 3 Credits

Introduction to studio techniques and concepts for graphic design based on exploration of formal values in design and their relation to advanced visual communication applications.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2710 and ART 1740
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 2920 Fiber Arts I: Intro to Fibers and Fabric 3 Credits

Construction using fiber and fabrics; fabric making, and decorating; weaving, printing and related media.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 3010 Faculty-Led Short-Term International Experience in Art 3 Credits

This course will guide students through a high-level examination of the concepts and production of Visual Art. Students will examine various materials and techniques of art making and entertain broad historical overviews of trends in the art of the area. Class participants will interact with the archeology. architecture, and art collections found in the selected location. Through these first-hand visual experiences, students will be prepared to reflect on the evolution of culture as revealed in art through time.
Components: Field Studies
GE: Fine Arts, Global Studies (former Int Ed)
Typically Offered: Every two years

ART 3020 Studies in Art I 1-3 Credits

Concentrated study in the specific area of studio, which is indicated in the current class schedule. May be repeated under different headings.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 3030 Studies in Art II 3 Credits

Concentrated study in a specific area of art which is indicated in the current class schedule. May be repeated under different headings.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 3050 Illustration II 3 Credits

Continued investigations of various illustration media and techniques, as well as exploration of additional media. Includes further conceptual and skill development of illustration methods as an art form and investigations of the relationship between illustration and graphic design applications.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2240 and ART 2410
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 3150 Advanced Throwing 3 Credits

Advanced Throwing is a course tailored to the direction and interest of the student. It requires student independence and self-motivation. Emphasis is on the continuing development of effective visual expression through the potter's wheel. The student is expected to engage in advanced study of ceramic concepts, craftsmanship, creative processes, and effective expression of aesthetic ideas. This course is designed to establish a structure within which ceramic majors may begin to develop their own individualized program of studio research that will ultimately lead them to the creation of a body of work that has breadth and depth. This course will focus on professional practices that will help the student develop a professional working studio, enhance their portfolio for graduate studies, for teaching positions, commissions, gallery or juried shows or professional opportunities for artists. This course can be repeated for credit until goals are met.This course can be repeated for credit until goals are met.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2520 or previous throwing experience.
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 3160 Illustration III: Advanced Illustration 3 Credits

Students will enhance their visual problem-solving skills, refine their individual style, and develop a strong conceptual approach to their work as they create expressive imagery suitable for a variety of illustration markets. This course will give students exposure to a wide variety of media and techniques including but not limited to collage (digital and traditional), painting, drawing, and mixed media. Emphasis is placed on students developing a personal style and voice with their work.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 3050
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 3240 Global Architectural History 3 Credits

This course will focus on significant buildings throughout world history that are emblematic of the belief systems and historical contexts of the people and cultures that built them. Major attention will be given to the architecture of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Medieval Europe, Mesoamerica, China, Japan, the Renaissance era, the Baroque era, the historic revival styles of the 18th and 19th c., Modern, and Post-Modern Architecture.
Components: Class
GE: Fine Arts
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 3310 Drawing III: Figure Drawing 3 Credits

Drawing the human figure with emphasis on anatomy, structure, composition, and form.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 1010 and ART 2310
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 3320 Printmaking II: Intermediate Printmaking 3 Credits

Printmaking Two is designed for studio art majors, art education majors, graphic design majors, and anyone interested in learning the techniques and skills of printmaking within a fine art context. This course is designed to accommodate intermediate level printmakers. Major techniques and the history of printmaking will be expanded on including: Relief, Screenprint, Etching, Lithography, and Letterpress. Combining print processes and utilizing digital tools will be introduced while developing an area of interest more thoroughly through research.
Components: Laboratory
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2220
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 3340 20th c. Art History: Modern to Contemporary 3 Credits

This course will be a history of the emergence and development of Modern Art from the late-19th through 20th centuries. We will address Post-Impressionism, Symbolism, Fauvism, German Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, Suprematism, Dada, the return to order, New Objectivity, De Stijl, the Bauhaus, Mexican Muralism, American Regionalism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop, Minimalism, and Land Art. Along the way we will explore ideas such as the differences between Modern/Modernity/Modernism, the idea of the avant-garde, art for art's sake, changes in art market, 'Primitivism,' the emergence of abstraction, the subconscious, conceptual art, the impact of the First and Second World Wars, high art versus low art, reactions to commercialism and mass media in society.
Components: Class
GE: Fine Arts
Typically Offered: Fall - even year

ART 3350 Printmaking III: Advanced Printmaking 3 Credits

Printmaking Three is designed for studio art majors, art education majors, graphic design majors, and anyone interested in learning advanced techniques and methods of printmaking within a fine art context. This course is designed to accommodate intermediate to advanced level printmakers. There will be an emphasis on developing a print medium or technique(s) of interest and producing a cohesive body of work throughout the semester. A primary focus of this course will include: considering the content of your works in relationship to print history and contemporary art based in research. Enhancing the printmaking emphasis student's portfolio, preparing for graduate studies, gallery exhibitions, teaching, or maintaining your own studio will be professional practice development goals addressed.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 3320
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 3370 Word and Image in Print 3 Credits

The combination of text and imagery have immense significance in the history of communication and the advancement of society as we know it. Word and Image in Print will examine this progress across centuries and dive into specific techniques used during each period correspondingly. We will study the direct correlation between printed images and text, the concept of multiples, and the immeasurable changes we have experienced as a human species over the last 500 years. In this course we will research historic techniques to the digital age and produce a work in all major print mediums that are known to include text such as, woodcut, etching, lithography, letterpress, and digital printmaking that reflect each era of that medium's prominence. This class is for anyone with beginner to advanced printmaking experience who has a strong interest in creating art images that include text.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 3320
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 3440 Painting III: Figure Painting 3 Credits

Painting III explores the human figure in form, proportion and anatomy in studio. Students study action, volume, scale, design and expressive potential of human form. Formal aspects of painting are studied through intensive observation of live models.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2410 and ART 3310
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 3510 Sculpture II: Intermediate 3 Credits

Sculpting heads of humans, animals and aliens to experience clays, conditioning clay, camera, calipers and ruler, measurement charts, modeling tools, hollowing out tools, armatures, turntables, sculpture stand, kiln and patina.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2510
Typically Offered: Occasionally

ART 3530 East Asian Art 3 Credits

A survey of the art of China, India and Japan.
Components: Class
GE: Fine Arts, Global Studies (former Int Ed)
Typically Offered: Fall - odd year

ART 3740 History of Graphic Design 3 Credits

A History of Graphic Design from an art historical approach, with emphasis on the integral role of Graphic Design in the development of Modern and Contemporary Art practice in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring - even year

ART 3770 Native American Art 3 Credits

Art of various culture groups of American Indians, ranging from the Inuit of the far north to tribes and nations of the southwest. Ancient and traditional art forms will be studied as well as history of art in times of culture contact and conflict, continuing through work created by contemporary tribal artists informed by those traditions.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: ETHNSTDY 3770
GE: Ethnic Studies, Fine Arts
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 3800 Ceramics III: Advanced 3 Credits

Advanced work in clay construction, stressing individual projects.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2520 and ART 2620
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 3910 Graphic Design III: Advanced Typography 3 Credits

Advanced studies into the art and techniques of typographical design and applications to graphic design. With the further exploration of typographical elements and their use in effective visual communication, students will continue to develop their visual communication skills.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2710 and ART 2740 and ART 1740
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 3930 19th C. Art History 3 Credits

The ideas of the 19th century continue to define the modern world including Nationalism, Romanticism, Industrialism, Realism, Imperialism, and Colonialism among many others that first defined modern life in the 19th century continue to impact our world. The art of this period, from Van Gogh to the Impressionists to the American landscape painters, remains similarly prevalent in our society. This course will analyze the impact of art and culture in Europe and America over the long 19th century from the French Revolution to the early 20th century.
Components: Class
GE: Fine Arts
Typically Offered: Fall - odd year

ART 3940 Advanced Ceramics 3 Credits

Advanced Ceramics, is a course tailored to the direction and interest of the student. It requires student independence and self-motivation. Emphasis is on the continuing development of effective visual expression through the media or techniques of choice. The student is expected to engage in advanced study of ceramic concepts, craftsmanship, creative processes, and effective expression of aesthetic ideas. This course is designed to establish a structure within which ceramic majors may begin to develop their own individualized program of studio research that will ultimately lead them to the creation of a body of work that has breadth and depth. This course will focus on professional practices that will develop a professional working studio; enhance their portfolio for graduate studies, teaching positions, commissions, gallery or juried shows or professional opportunities for artists. This course can be repeated.
Components: Laboratory
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2520 and ART 2620. Priority to Art majors but open to all University students.
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

ART 3950 Advanced Sculpture 3 Credits

Advanced Sculpture is a course tailored to the direction and interest of the student. It requires student independence and self-motivation. Emphasis is on the continuing development of effective visual expression through the media or techniques of choice. The student is expected to engage in advanced study of sculptural concepts, craftsmanship, creative processes, and effective expression of aesthetic ideas. This course is designed to establish a structure within which sculpture majors may begin to develop their own individualized program of studio research that will ultimately lead them to the creation of a body of work that has breadth and depth. This course will focus on professional practices that will develop a professional working studio; enhance their portfolio for graduate studies, teaching positions, commissions, gallery or juried shows or professional opportunities for artists. This course can be repeated.
Components: Laboratory
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2510 and ART 3510. Priority to Art majors but open to all University students.
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

ART 3980 Clay Figure Sculpture 3 Credits

This course is an introduction to ceramic figure sculpture using clay as the medium. The class is a study of the human body represented in three dimensions. Content includes building, surfacing and firing ceramics plus processes of hand forming clay including: pinch, coil-building, slab building, modeling, and carving . The class format will included, Key Note and video presentations , movies and videos available on the university site, two life model sequences, demonstrations, critiques and team firings. The course includes three themes, each differing in focus; the "perceptual" the "gestural", and the "interpretive". Group "lab work" loading, firing and unloading class kiln firings is required and integrated into the structure of the course.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 1010
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 4030 Graphic Design IV: Advanced Graphic Design Studio 3 Credits

Continuation of studio techniques and advanced concepts for graphic design based on further exploration of formal values in design and their relation to advanced visual communication.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2740
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 4040 Ed TPA for Art & Music Educators 3 Credits

ART 4040 is a teacher preparation course required for all Art Education and Music Education majors to be taken in the fall of their senior year during Pre-Student Teaching--the semester before Student Teaching Internship. The course is cross listed with MUSIC and provides instruction in the development of written artifacts, commentaries, lesson plans, assessment tools and video tape documentation in preparation for the Ed Teacher Performance Assessment (Ed TPA) portfolio requirements. This course is taken in conjunction with TCHG 4210 Pre-Student Teaching to complement student's clinical experience by preparing them to research, analyze and write assignments associated with the 4 tasks of the Ed TPA.The Ed TPA is a new educational mandate for all teacher preparation programs, required by the DPI for teacher licensure in Wisconsin. All teacher candidates enrolled in the University of Wisconsin-Platteville are required to complete the Ed TPA during their final semester of Student Teaching Internship and is a pass/fail high stakes assessment.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 4060 Graphic Design V: Design for New Media 3 Credits

This course will explore current trends and technologies in new and digital media formats. The students will explore and experiment with formal and conceptual design issues as they relate to the restrictions and capabilities of the current technologies. Areas of study include web design, design for mobile devices, and app development. Special consideration is given to what role the graphic designer plays in the creation of a web site, the user interface, typographic concerns, and design aesthetics.This course will serve as a studio and lecture class for the advanced student. There will be significant emphasis on the creative aspects of new media and user interface development. This class will also deal with the design for new media and technology as it pertains to the user experience in various formats to include but not limited to web site design, design for mobile and portable devices, and app development.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 3910
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 4150 Public Space and Public Art 3 Credits

Public Space and Public Art is a studio art course focused on the study of contemporary art in public spaces with particular attention to the role of the artist in creating public art. This course will ask the student to define public art and public space and deal with the aesthetic issues involved in installing works of art into pre-existing urban spaces with their own particular forms, histories and popular associations. How does public art intersect with the related art of urban design? What are the consequences of art crossing over into the realm of architecture? What are the problems the artist encounters in attempting to represent neighborhood-based communities? How can public art critically intervene in pre-existing urban space? Students will examine examples of public art: Richard Serra's Tilted Arc and Maya Lin's Vietnam Memorial for instance both proved exceptionally controversial. The nature of those controversies will serve to illuminate a number of the main issues raised in the course. Studio work will require preparation of a site-specific public art installation including drawing, photography, scaled model making, and /or digital processes culminating in an actual production of temporary or permanent site-specific work for installation on campus or in the surrounding community.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: Art major with completion of 3000 or 3000 lvel course in themediaof choice and the consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 4230 Theory of Art 3 Credits

A survey of the theory of art with an emphasis on contemporary ideas.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 4310 Drawing IV: Intermediate Drawing 3 Credits

Drawing IV students will learn to expand visual awareness and develop their control of drawing as a tool for research and invention. Drawing problems from simple structural analysis to more sophisticated exploration of subject matter and finally to individual interpretation. Drawing media applications and exercises are expanded in this intermediate level class.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 3310
Typically Offered: Occasionally

ART 4340 Perspective Drawing 3 Credits

Detailed studies of ways in which principles of perspective are used to represent objects in space.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

ART 4350 Digital Illustration 3 Credits

This course is an exploration of advanced and emerging digital tools and techniques that will allow students to enhance the versatility of their illustration portfolio. Students will create compelling illustrations that integrate motion, image editing, vector graphics, and digital painting. Students will explore the use of moving imagery to enhance the appeal of their images in a variety of illustration markets including advertising, publishing, digital media, and editorial art.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 1740 and ART 3050
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 4400 Advanced Painting 3 Credits

A continuation of ART 2410 and ART 3440.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 3440
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

ART 4440 Illustration Portfolio 3 Credits

An innovative and engaging portfolio is critical to establishing a prosperous illustration career. Students will develop their individualized style and brand in a fully realized, professional portfolio, while implementing creative marketing and networking strategies to launch their illustration careers.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 3050 and ART 4350
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 4460 Watercolor Painting 3 Credits

An introduction to various methods of water color painting.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Occasionally

ART 4470 Advanced Printmaking I: Screenprint and Relief 3 Credits

Advanced Screenprint and Relief is designed for studio art majors, art education majors, graphic design majors, and anyone interested in learning advanced techniques and methods of screenprinting, woodcut, linocut, or photorelief letterpress. Traditional, digital, and alternative techniques will be discussed in depth, as well as the history of relief and screenprinting. There will be an emphasis on achieving proficiency and advanced problem-solving skills in these mediums. A primary goal will be to develop a style of interest through one of these mediums or combined media while producing a cohesive body of work through the semester.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 3320 or ART 3350
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 4510 Sculpture III: Advanced, Materials and Techniques 3 Credits

Advanced work in sculpture with special emphasis on the casting of metal sculpture and foundry methods, techniques and preparations for casting.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2510 and ART 3510
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 4530 Art Education Methods 3 Credits

Teaching of art on the elementary, middle and high school levels. A study of physical plants, supplies, and unit plans. (For students majoring in art education).
Components: Discussion, Class
Typically Offered: Fall

ART 4540 Advanced Printmaking II: Plate Techniques in Etching and Lithography 3 Credits

Advanced Etching and Lithography is designed for studio art majors, art education majors, graphic design majors, and anyone interested in learning advanced techniques and methods of etching, aquatint, engraving, mezzotint, photolithography, and stone lithography. Traditional, digital, and alternative techniques will be discussed in depth, as well as the history of etching and lithography. There will be an emphasis on achieving technical proficiency and advanced problem-solving skills in these mediums. A primary goal will be to develop a style of interest through one of these mediums or combined media while producing a cohesive body of work through the semester.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 3350
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 4640 Advanced Drawing 3 Credits

Advanced problem-solving in drawing requiring high degree of visual refinement with emphasis on understanding media potential. Use of still life and figure forms in studio. Further investigation of principles concerning complex forms and light with the use of advanced media. Independent studio work component.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2310
Typically Offered: Occasionally

ART 4660 Cooperative Field Experience 1-8 Credits

Enhancement of the educational experience through placement of a student with a cooperating agency, business, industry or institution. The nature of the assignment, type of experience, number of credits and evaluation procedure to be stipulated in a statement of agreement (learning contract) between the student and department.
Components: Field Studies
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

ART 4800 Materials and Techniques of Painting 3 Credits

Technical exploration of art media and materials used in painting and drawing applications. Traditional and contemporary methods for creating art media and tool use. Conservation and restoration issues investigated. Lecture and studio assignment instruction format.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 3440
Typically Offered: Occasionally

ART 4810 Independent Work in Art 1-3 Credits

Independent creative work in art studio areas chosen by the student.
Components: Independent Study
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

ART 4890 Independent Study in Art History 1-3 Credits

Independent research on specialized problems.
Components: Independent Study
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 2140 or ART 2210
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

ART 4930 Presentation and Marketing 2 Credits

The basic goals of the course are to provide an understanding of the proper presentation of two and three dimensional art work as well as introduce students to marketing techniques.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 4950 Senior Art Show 1 Credit

This is a directed studies course for art majors and will meet as a seminar class four times during the semester.
Components: Seminar
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ART 4930
Typically Offered: Spring

ART 4960 BFA Thesis Project and Exhibition 3 Credits

This course will provide the preparation for the required senior exhibition and presentation of the candidate's Thesis Project.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: Senior Standing and consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Spring