Animal Science Minor

This minor is not available to Dairy Science majors or minors.

Course Title Credits
Recommended Pre-Requisites
Concepts of Biology (OR BIOLOGY 1650 OR BIOLOGY 1750 with a C- or higher)
Survey of General Chemistry (OR CHEMSTRY 1140 with a C- or higher)
Elementary Statistics
The courses above are pre-requisites for many of the required courses for the minor. Please check the course catalog for course specific prerequisites.
Required Courses
ANSCI 1000Introduction to Animal Science3
ANSCI 2120Topics in Animal Health & Welfare3
ANSCI 2500Feeds and Feeding3
ANSCI 3040Principles of Meat Science and Processing 4
ANSCI 3100Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals4
Select an additional 8 credits of ANSCI courses 2000 or above to complete the minor.8
Total Credits25