Health and Human Performances Major with an Emphasis in Physical Education Teaching, B.S.

Course Title Credits
Total for Graduation 4129-133
General Education 148-52
Major HHP Core + Physical Education Teaching Emphasis Courses 342
Professional Education 339

Grades of “C” or better in all courses required for physical education teaching certification. Students must have a 2.75 overall G.P.A. for admission to teacher education and 2.75 in major and professional education courses for admission to student teaching. Students must have an "initial" and an "exit" physical fitness assessment, four tests each, on file in order to graduate.

Course Title Credits
General Requirements 1
General Education 148-52
HHP Required General Education Courses 1
English Composition Competency:
College Writing I 2
College Writing II 2
Speech Competency:
Speech Communication for Professionals 2
Mathematics Competency:
MATH 1620 or above general education math course 2
Social Sciences (6 credits in two different disciplines):
General Psychology
Natural Sciences:
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
Physiology of Exercise 2
Additional Natural Sciences, Mathematics, or Social Sciences:
Biomechanical Kinesiology 2
School of Education Requirements 2
Admission to the School of Education
TEACHING 2130Human Growth and Development 23
or PSYCHLGY 3130 Child Psychology
or PSYCHLGY 3230 Adolescent Psychology
or PSYCHLGY 2730 Life Span Developmental Psychology
TEACHING 3070Meeting Content & Language Needs of English Language Learners3
TEACHING 3440Equity Education & Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in the Multicultural Classroom3
TEACHING 4660Student Teaching K-1212
or TEACHING 4760 Internship in Teaching
Submission of Teaching Portfolio
HHP Major Required Core Courses 3
HHP 2020First Aid/Accident Prevention/Community CPR2
HHP 2320Introduction to Exercise Science, Health Promotion and Physical Education2
HHP 2720Anatomical Kinesiology2
HHP 2740Exercise Technique and Performance 2
HHP 3010Technology in Health and Physical Education2
HHP 3830Perceptual Motor Learning and Motor Development2
HHP 3920Emotional Health2
HHP 3950Human Nutrition3
HHP 4520Injury Prevention and Treatment2
Requirements for Physical Education Teaching Emphasis 3
HHP 2030Health Education2
HHP 2360Application of Adventure Education 3
HHP 2450Team and Individual Sport Pedagogy 3
HHP 3040Adapted Aquatics2
HHP 3140Disability Sport Education and Activity2
HHP 3220Teaching Issues Relating to Alcohol, Drugs, and Sexuality2
HHP 3390Lifetime and Outdoor Activities 3
HHP 4350Social Wellness and Responsibility2
Required Professional Education Courses for Physical Education Teaching Emphasis 3
HHP 3430Introduction to Adapted Physical Education and Activity2
HHP 3440Elementary Physical Education Teaching Methods3
HHP 3500Methods in Teaching Health Education3
HHP 3510Assessment and Screening in Physical Education2
HHP 4230Methods in Middle/Secondary Physical Education3
HHP 4330Organization, Administration, and Curriculum of Physical Education and Health3
HHP 4530Practicum in Adapted Physical Education3
HHP 4940Seminar in Community and Environmental Health Education3
State of Wisconsin 860 Licensure/Adapted Physical Education
The following courses will satisfy the DPI requirements for an 860 Physical Education/Special Education three-year licensure (licensure in adapted physical education): (10 credits)
Introduction to Adapted Physical Education and Activity
Assessment and Screening in Physical Education
Perceptual Motor Learning and Motor Development
Practicum in Adapted Physical Education
Total Credits129-133

General Education requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree: HHP 2030 will meet the "Wellness" required and HHP 2740 will meet the "Physical Activity" requirement.  Required courses of BIOLOGY 2340, HHP 30202 and HHP 37202 will meet the “Natural Sciences” and the “Additional Natural Sciences, Mathematics, or Social Sciences” requirements.  Other required courses include, PSYCHLGY 1130, ENGLISH 11302, ENGLISH 12302 and SPEECH 10602. All required general education courses must earn a “C-“ or better unless otherwise specified.  See the Admission to the School of Education Requirements for further details.


Must earn a “C” or better.


Grade of “C“ or better required in all HHP and Professional Education courses.


Students must have a 2.75 overall G.P.A. for admission to teacher education and 2.75 or higher in major and professional education courses for admission to student teaching.  Students must have an “initial” and an “exit” physical fitness assessment, four tests each, on file in order to graduate. 120 credits or above required for all UW-Platteville majors.