Geographic Information Systems Minor

The minor in geographic information systems prepares students for current modern trends in geospatial technology, computerized mapping, digital image processing, and spatial analysis. The GIS minor requires one course in computer science (COMPUTER 1130), one course in Statistics (MATH 1830), and three courses in GIS and remote sensing.  Six credits of electives will complete the minor, to be chosen from courses in remote sensing, advanced computer programming for GIS, physical geography, and independent research or an internship in GIS.

The GIS minor incorporates dynamic changes in current advances in spatial sciences and technology. The students that complete a GIS minor significantly enhance their employment opportunities, especially in environmental consultation agencies, mapping technology industries, surveying, geology, biology, criminal justice and other social sciences, and business. In the current job market, a great many employers are looking for candidates that combine GIS expertise with a wide variety of other majors. 

Course Title Credits
Required Core Courses
ENVSS 3230Geographic Information Systems4
ENVSS 4330Advanced Geographic Information Systems4
ENVSS 3520Remote Sensing of the Environment3
ENVSS 4040Python for GIS3
COMPUTER 1130Introduction to Programming3
MATH 1830Elementary Statistics3
Select 6 credits of the following:6
Advanced Remote Sensing
Special Topics in Environment and Society
Guided Research
Cooperative Field Experience
Total Credits26