Criminal Justice Major, B.A.

Course Title Credits
General Requirements
General Education39-56
Non-Departmental Core Courses 13
Elementary Statistics
Required Courses 1, 2
CRIMLJUS 1130Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CRIMLJUS 2130Foundations of Policing3
CRIMLJUS 2230Foundations of Corrections3
CRIMLJUS 4030Criminal Law3
CRIMLJUS 4930Criminal Justice and Forensic Investigation Senior Seminar3
Theory 13
Select one of the following courses:
Crime and Delinquency
Research Methods 13-9
Select one of the following options to complete the research methods requirement for the major:
Research Methods in Criminal Justice
Social Research Methods
Completion of all three of the following courses:
Introduction to Experimental Psychology
Behavioral Research I
Behavioral Research II
Electives 115
Select 15 credits from the list below:
Women, Gender, and Justice
Foundations of US Courts
Counterterrorism for First Responders
Private Security Operations
Issues in Criminal Justice
Ethnicity, Race and Crime
White Collar Crime
Foundations of Interviewing
Police Ethics
Criminal Investigation
Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
Police Administration
Correctional Institutions
Juvenile Justice
Crime Prevention
Law of Corrections
Police-Community Relations
Deviance, Crime, and Social Control
Community-Based Corrections
Environmental and Wildlife Crime
Criminal Procedure and Evidence
Issues in Criminal Justice Planning and Management
Directed Individual Studies
Social Welfare Policy
Social Work Practice with Communities, Organizations and Social Institutions
Current Topics In Criminal Justice
Honors Research
Victimology and Restorative Justice
Substance Abuse I: Theory and Assessment
Substance Abuse II: Intervention and Special Populations
Survey of Forensic Sciences
History & Ethics of Forensic Investigation
Research Methods in Forensic Investigation
Courtroom Testimony and Evidence
The Washington Center - The LEAD Colloquium
The Washington Center - Evening Topics Course
The Washington Center - CJ Internship
Total Credits78-101

In addition, all criminal justice majors must earn a “C-” or better in each required and elective course.


In addition, all criminal justice majors must earn a “C-” or better in (ENGLISH 1040 or ENGLISH 1130) and ENGLISH 1230.

Criminal Justice Emphases

Students may select one of the following two emphases within the criminal justice major (but are not required to do so). Students who do select an emphasis will take the following specified course combinations as their elective credits.

Law Enforcement Emphasis

Course Title Credits
Select at least 15 credits of the following: 115
Counterterrorism for First Responders
Foundations of Interviewing
Police Ethics
Criminal Investigation
Police Administration
Police-Community Relations
Criminal Procedure and Evidence
Current Topics In Criminal Justice
Total Credits15

A "C-" or better is required.

Corrections Emphasis

Course Title Credits
Select at least 15 credits of the following: 115
Foundations of Interviewing
Correctional Institutions
Juvenile Justice
Law of Corrections
Community-Based Corrections
Current Topics In Criminal Justice
Victimology and Restorative Justice
Total Credits15

A "C-" or better is required.

Internship Eligibility

To be eligible for an internship, the student must have earned at least 60 credits plus 12 upper division Criminal Justice/Forensic Investigation credits and have a G.P.A. of 2.5 or higher.

The Washington Center

The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars (TWC) offers semester-long internship experiences for students in Washington, D.C. for students. Criminal Justice and Forensic Investigation students accepted to the TWC program would enroll in 15 credits (Fall or Spring) or 9 credits (Summer) of TWC-related courses during the semester they will be in Washington, D.C.; these courses will count toward the electives needed to satisfy the major. Criminal Justice and Forensic Investigation majors are welcome to apply and should contact the Criminal Justice and Forensic Investigation Department Chair for more information on the application process. Please visit for more information.

Course Title Credits
UWPSTUDY 4110The Washington Center - The LEAD Colloquium1-3
UWPSTUDY 4120The Washington Center - Evening Topics Course2-3
UWPSTUDY 4880The Washington Center - CJ Internship6-9