Biology Teaching Minor (Non-Licensure)*

Course Title Credits
Required Courses 120
The Unity of Life
The Diversity of Life
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
Ecology and Evolution
Electives 14
Select a minimum of 4 credits of the following:
Cell Biology
Fundamentals of Biological Investigations
Fungi, Algae and Bryophytes
Invertebrate Zoology
Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
Amphibians and Reptiles of Wisconsin
Ecological Methods and Research
Systematics and Evolutionary Analysis
Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants
Plant Communities of Wisconsin
Freshwater Biology
Molecular Biology
Advanced Physiology
Biotechnology Seminar
Selected Regional Habitats
Capstone Course: From Atoms to Ecosystems - The Study of Life
Total Credits24

*In order to be licensed to teach science, students must complete the Science Education Major. This major requires students to acquire depth in a science discipline via completion of a 2nd major or minor, such as the Biology Major-Secondary Education Emphasis or the Biology Teaching Minor. This will improve marketability. Finally, students will also need to complete Middle-Secondary Education emphasis through School of Education to acquire necessary professional education training.


Secondary Education students must earn a minimum GPA requirements to become licensed.  Information can be found on the School of Education page.


The UW-Platteville School of Education program is designed to meet all of the educational requirements for the initial licensing in the State of Wisconsin. The program may not meet requirements of other states and we are unable to make a determination about whether the program meets requirements of other states. If you are interested in certification outside of the state of Wisconsin, we encourage you to contact the appropriate state licensing agency to seek guidance and verify requirements before beginning a program, as well as during your program of study.  See Professional Licensure Directory by State


A grade of C- or higher is required in all courses taken for the minor.