Biology Major, B.S.

Students with the Biology Major will complete the Biology Core Requirements (32-34 credits) and one of the following emphases related to the student’s field of interest:

Botany Emphasis

Course Title Credits
Biology Core 132
Required Supporting Core Courses (11 credits) 1,2
This requirement is more restrictive than other emphases.
The second science course cannot be an Astronomy course.
Advanced Plant-Based Courses 112
Select at least 4 courses, 12 credit minimum:
Plants and Society
Fungi, Algae and Bryophytes
Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants
Plant Communities of Wisconsin
Forensic Botany
Plant Pathology
Principles of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Plant Development and Biotechnology
Plant Breeding
Plant Physiology
Approved field station course(s)
Additional Biology Course(s) 1,3,43
Select at least 1 biology course, 2000-level or above, 3 credit minimum
Additional Supporting Courses 1,45
Select at least 2 courses, 5 credit minimum
Environmental Chemistry
and Environmental Chemistry Lab
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry I Lab
General Biochemistry
and General Biochemistry Lab
Restoration Revegetation
Wetland Ecology, Restoration and Management
Energy, Environment, and Society
Woody Landscape Plants
Herbaceous Plants
Planet Earth
Geography of the Driftless Area
Global Landforms
Geographic Information Systems
Environmental Conservation
Fire Ecology
Global Environmental Change
Physical Geology
Historical Geology
Landscapes of North America
Integrated Pest Management
Weed Science
Soil and Water Conservation
Total Credits52

A grade of C- or higher is required in all courses taken to fulfill specific requirements of the biology major. This includes ENGLISH 1130 and ENGLISH 1230, as well as courses taken in other disciplines toward an emphasis.


The second science course cannot be an Astronomy course.


No more than 6 credits total of any combination from BIOLOGY 2920, BIOLOGY 3710, BIOLOGY 3720, BIOLOGY 3920BIOLOGY 4010BIOLOGY 4660, and BIOLOGY 4920 may be counted toward the major.


Courses used to meet biology core requirement cannot also be used here, i.e., courses cannot double-count.

Recommended Minors

  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Science
  • Geology
  • Environmental Horticulture
  • Renewable Energy

Comprehensive Emphasis

This option is for students who seek a range of biology experiences in many areas.

Course Title Credits
General Education39-56
Biology Core 132
Students must complete at least ONE biology course from each of the 5 different topic groups below (minimum 13 credits total): 113
1) Cell/Micro/Molecular Biology
Cell Biology
Animal Tissue Culture
Molecular Biology
Mammalian Histology
Biotechnology Seminar
2) Human Biology 2
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
Advanced Physiology
Human Gross Anatomy
3) Botany
Plants and Society
Fungi, Algae and Bryophytes
Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants
Plant Communities of Wisconsin
Forensic Botany
4) Zoology
Invertebrate Zoology
Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
5) Ecology & Evolution
Ecological Methods and Research
Systematics and Evolutionary Analysis
Freshwater Biology
Selected Regional Habitats
Additional Biology Courses 1,2,310
An additional minimum of 10 credits of biology courses above 2000 is required to complete the major.
Total Credits94-111

A grade of C- or higher is required in all courses taken to fulfill specific requirements of the biology major. This includes ENGLISH 1130 and ENGLISH 1230, as well as courses taken in other disciplines toward an emphasis.


BIOLOGY 2140/BIOLOGY 2240 and BIOLOGY 2340 cannot both count toward an individual's major.


No more than 6 credits total of any combination from BIOLOGY 2920, BIOLOGY 3710, BIOLOGY 3720, BIOLOGY 3920, BIOLOGY 4010, BIOLOGY 4660, and BIOLOGY 4920 may be counted toward the major.

Ecology Emphasis

Course Title Credits
Biology Core 132-34
Emphasis Requirements (Electives to complete the major) 128
Must complete 28 credits from courses listed below:
Advanced Ecology Electives 1,2
Choose at least two Advanced Ecology-relevant courses.
Ecological Methods and Research 2
Systematics and Evolutionary Analysis 2
Plant Communities of Wisconsin 2
Freshwater Biology 2
Selected Regional Habitats 2
Wetland Ecology, Restoration and Management 2
Other Ecology Emphasis Electives 1,3,4
Fungi, Algae and Bryophytes
Invertebrate Zoology
Independent Research 3
Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
Amphibians and Reptiles of Wisconsin
Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants
Personalized Learning Experience 3
Workshop in Biology 3
Forensic Botany
Topics in Biology
Biology Internship Experience 3
Advanced Independent Research in Biology 3
Geographic Information Systems 4
Remote Sensing of the Environment 4
Advanced Geographic Information Systems 4
Other suggested courses for students pursuing Ecology-Related Careers or Post-Graduate Opportunities
These courses do not count toward Biology Major requirements.
General Chemistry II
Chemistry for Engineers
Environmental Chemistry Lab
Environmental Chemistry
Organic Chemistry I Lab
Organic Chemistry I
Restoration Revegetation
Physical Geology
Global Landforms
Environmental Conservation
Fire Ecology
Advanced Remote Sensing
Global Environmental Change
Principles of Physics
Introductory Physics I
Introductory Physics II
Total Credits60-62

A grade of C- or higher is required in all courses taken to fulfill specific requirements of the biology major. This includes ENGLISH 1130 and ENGLISH 1230, as well as courses taken in other disciplines toward an emphasis.


Electives must include at least 2 advanced ecology-relevant courses.


No more than 6 credits total of any combination from BIOLOGY 2920, BIOLOGY 3920, BIOLOGY 4010, BIOLOGY 4660, and BIOLOGY 4920 may be counted toward the major.  


No more than 6 credits total of any combination from ENVSS 3230, ENVSS 3520, and ENVSS 4330 may be counted toward the major.

NOTE: Any of the courses above may also be taken at an accredited field station with departmental approval.

Recommended Minors

  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Science
  • Geology


General Emphasis

This option is for students who seek a major with a flexible set of various biology electives.

Course Title Credits
General Education39-56
Biology Core 132
Additional Biology Courses 1, 224
Minimum of 24 credits of biology courses above 2000.
Total Credits95-112

A grade of C- or higher is required in all courses taken to fulfill specific requirements of the biology major. This includes ENGLISH 1130 and ENGLISH 1230, as well as courses taken in other disciplines toward an emphasis.


No more than 6 credits total of any combination from BIOLOGY 2920, BIOLOGY 3710, BIOLOGY 3720, BIOLOGY 3920, BIOLOGY 4010, BIOLOGY 4660, and BIOLOGY 4920 may be counted toward the major.


Health Sciences Emphasis

This emphasis is intended for students pursuing graduate school (human anatomy or human physiology) or professional school in healthcare (chiropractic, dentistry, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, optometry, osteopathy, physical therapy, physician assistant, podiatry, etc.).

Course Title Credits
Biology Core 1,232
Required Supporting Core Courses (11 credits) 1
This requirement is more restrictive than other emphases.
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry II
Elementary Statistics
Health Sciences Emphasis Core Courses 110
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Health Sciences Additional Required Supporting Courses 18-11
Choose all of the courses in one of the options:
Option A
Organic Chemistry I Lab
Organic Chemistry I
General Biochemistry Lab
General Biochemistry
Option B
Introductory Physics I
Introductory Physics II
Option C
General Physics I
General Physics II
Option D
General Psychology
Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Life Span Developmental Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Option E
Physiology of Exercise
Biomechanical Kinesiology
Human Nutrition
Electives to Complete the Emphasis 112-15
Students may select any biology course above the 2000 level (except BIOLOGY 2340 or BIOLOGY 4010). The goal is to reach at least 65 credits.
Relevant suggested classes:
Cell Biology
Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
Systematics and Evolutionary Analysis
Epidemiology: Host, Agent, and Environment
Molecular Biology
Advanced Physiology
Mammalian Histology
Human Gross Anatomy
Introductory Human Pathology
Total Credits65

A grade of C- or higher is required in all courses taken to fulfill specific requirements of the biology major. This includes ENGLISH 1130 and ENGLISH 1230, as well as courses taken in other disciplines toward an emphasis.


No more than 6 credits total of any combination from BIOLOGY 2920, BIOLOGY 3920, BIOLOGY 4010, BIOLOGY 4660, and BIOLOGY 4920 may be counted toward the major.

Recommended Minors

  • Applied Statistics
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Ethnic Studies
  • World Languages (German, Spanish)
  • Mathematics
  • Psychology
  • Students planning to pursue graduate or professional school may need to complete additional coursework beyond the requirements of the major to make their application competitive.  It is well worth the time and effort to investigate the prerequisites at 2 or 3 schools you are considering.  Additionally, be aware that graduate and professional schools often have G.P.A. requirements and expectations that you gain educational experiences beyond the classroom.  Your advisor will be able to help you as you plan your future.  


Molecular/Genetics Emphasis

Course Title Credits
Biology Core 1,232
Required Supporting Core Coures (11 credits) 1
This requirement is more restrictive than other emphases.
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry II
Elementary Statistics
Emphasis requirements 1
Molecular/Genetics Core Courses 114
Cell Biology
Molecular Biology
Advanced Molecular/Genetics Electives 18
Select 8 credits of the following:
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
Animal Tissue Culture
Systematics and Evolutionary Analysis
Mammalian Endocrinology
Forensic Botany
Advanced Physiology
Mammalian Histology
Biotechnology Seminar
Plant Pathology
Genetics of Livestock Improvement
Biotechnology in Animal Science
Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals
Biochemistry Topics
Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory
Principles of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Plant Development and Biotechnology
Plant Breeding
Plant Physiology
Additional Required Supporting Courses 19
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry I Lab
General Biochemistry
and General Biochemistry Lab
Electives 1,33
Electives to complete the emphasis.
Total Credits66

A grade of C- or higher is required in all courses taken to fulfill specific requirements of the biology major. This includes ENGLISH 1130 and ENGLISH 1230, as well as courses taken in other disciplines toward an emphasis.


No more than 6 credits total of any combination of BIOLOGY 2920, BIOLOGY 3920, BIOLOGY 4010, BIOLOGY 4660, and BIOLOGY 4920 may be counted toward the major.


Students may select any biology course above the 2000 level (except BIOLOGY 4010).

Recommended Minors

  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Criminal Justice
  • Forensic Investigation


Nursing Emphasis

This emphasis will allow a student to complete a Bachelor of Science in Biology from UW-Platteville and a Bachelor of Science of Nursing from UW-Oshkosh in four years.  It will require participation in the 3 + 1 Dual Degree Program (Articulation agreement with UW-Oshkosh and their Online Accelerated Nursing Program).

Course Title Credits
Biology Core 132
Required Supporting Core Courses (11 credits) 1
This requirement is more restrictive than other emphases.
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry II
Elementary Statistics
Health Sciences Supporting Coursework 131
Cell Biology
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
General Psychology
Life Span Developmental Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Speech Communication for Professionals
Nursing Coursework 130
Nursing coursework is completed with UW-Oshkosh, students should check current UW-Oshkosh nursing admission criteria at:
Total Credits93

A grade of C- or higher is required in all courses taken to fulfill specific requirements of the biology major. This includes ENGLISH 1130 and ENGLISH 1230, as well as courses taken in other disciplines toward an emphasis.


Secondary Education Emphasis (Non-Licensure)*

Note: Biology-secondary education majors must earn a minimum G.P.A. of 2.75 in the major coursework.

Course Title Credits
Biology Core 1,232
Required Supporting Core Courses (11 credits) 1
This requirement is more restrictive than other emphases.
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry II
Elementary Statistics
Secondary Education Emphasis 1
Required Biology Courses 19
Cell Biology
Required Anatomy & Physiology Courses (Select one of the following options) 14-10
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
Advanced Plant Course 13
Select a minimum of 3 credits of the following:
Plants and Society
Fungi, Algae and Bryophytes
Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants
Plant Communities of Wisconsin
Forensic Botany
Plant Pathology
Principles of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
An approved course at a field station
Advanced Animal Course 13
Select a minimum of 3 credits of the following:
Invertebrate Zoology
Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
Amphibians and Reptiles of Wisconsin
Advanced Physiology
Mammalian Histology
An approved course at a field station
Advanced Broad-Based Biology Course 12
Select a minimum of 2 credits of the following:
Independent Research (approval required)
Ecological Methods and Research
Systematics and Evolutionary Analysis
Freshwater Biology
Personalized Learning Experience (approval required)
Molecular Biology
Topics in Biology (approval required)
Selected Regional Habitats
Advanced Independent Research in Biology (approval required)
Total Credits53-59

A grade of C- or higher is required in all courses taken to fulfill specific requirements of the biology major. This includes ENGLISH 1130 and ENGLISH 1230, as well as courses taken in other disciplines toward an emphasis.


No more than 6 credits total of any combination from BIOLOGY 2920, BIOLOGY 3920, BIOLOGY 4010, BIOLOGY 4660, and BIOLOGY 4920 may be counted toward the major.

*In order to be licensed to teach science, students must complete the Science Education Major. This major requires students to acquire depth in a science discipline via completion of a 2nd major or minor, such as the Biology Major-Secondary Education Emphasis or the Biology Teaching Minor. This will improve marketability. Finally, students will also need to complete Middle-Secondary Education emphasis through School of Education to acquire necessary professional education training.

For licensure in WI: Students must earn a minimum GPA of 2.75 in the major in order to student teach and be licensed.  If you earn a minimum GPA of 3.0 in your major then you will not have to take the Praxis II content exam.

The UW-Platteville School of Education program is designed to meet all of the educational requirements for the initial licensing in the State of Wisconsin. The program may not meet requirements of other states and we are unable to make a determination about whether the program meets requirements of other states. If you are interested in certification outside of the state of Wisconsin, we encourage you to contact the appropriate state licensing agency to seek guidance and verify requirements before beginning a program, as well as during your program of study. See Professional Licensure Directory by State.


Zoology Emphasis

Course Title Credits
Biology Core 1,232-34
Emphasis Requirements 1
Anatomy and Physiology Courses (choose one pairing) 19-10
Recommended Options
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
and Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals
and Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
Alternative Options
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals
Zoology Electives 110
Select a minimum of 10 credits of the following:
Invertebrate Zoology
Animal Behavior
Animal Tissue Culture
Amphibians and Reptiles of Wisconsin
Mammalian Endocrinology
Advanced Physiology
Mammalian Histology
Additional Biology Courses 1,211
Select a minimum of 11 credits of the following:
Cell Biology
Fungi, Algae and Bryophytes
Independent Research 2
Special Topics in Biology
Ecological Methods and Research
Systematics and Evolutionary Analysis
Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants
Plant Communities of Wisconsin
Exotic Animal Care and Outreach I 2
Exotic Animal Care and Outreach II 2
Freshwater Biology
Personalized Learning Experience 2
Workshop in Biology 2
Molecular Biology
Forensic Botany
Topics in Biology
Biotechnology Seminar
Plant Pathology
Introductory Human Pathology
Biology Internship Experience 2
Selected Regional Habitats
Advanced Independent Research in Biology 2
Additional Required Courses 1,3 8
Introduction to Animal Science
Topics in Animal Health & Welfare
Feeds and Feeding
Animal Nutrition
Reproductive Physiology of Domestic Animals
Ruminant Nutrition
The Animal Rights and Animal Welfare Social Movements
Small Ruminant and Equine Management
Companion Animal Care and Management
Introduction to Ecological Restoration and Resource Management
Current Topics in Ecological Restoration and Resource Management
Restoration Revegetation
Wetland Ecology, Restoration and Management
Environmental Law
Ecological Restoration and Resource Management Field Trip
Planet Earth
Geography of the Driftless Area
Global Landforms
Geographic Information Systems
Environmental Conservation
Remote Sensing of the Environment
Fire Ecology
Advanced Remote Sensing
The Western Trip: Regional Studies of Environment and Society in the Western United States
Geography of the National Parks
Python for GIS
Global Environmental Change
Advanced Geographic Information Systems
Total Credits70-73

A grade of C- or higher is required in all courses taken to fulfill specific requirements of the biology major. This includes ENGLISH 1130 and ENGLISH 1230, as well as courses taken in other disciplines toward an emphasis.


No more than 6 credits total of any combination from BIOLOGY 2920, BIOLOGY 3710, BIOLOGY 3720, BIOLOGY 3920, BIOLOGY 4010, BIOLOGY 4660, and BIOLOGY 4920 may be counted toward the major.


Courses used to meet Biology Core Requirements cannot also be used in the Additional Required Courses area, i.e., courses cannot double count.

Recommended Minors

  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Science