English Major, B.S.

First-Year Composition

ENGLISH 1130 and ENGLISH 1230 are prerequisites for most English courses. English majors must complete the first-year composition sequence or earn transfer credit for equivalent courses taken elsewhere BEFORE taking any English course at the 2000-level or above.

World Languages Requirement

All English majors must earn a “D” or better in the required world languages courses.  Additional information about required courses are in the emphasis areas below. Students already fluent in a second language or for whom English is a second or other language are exempt from this requirement.

Prerequisites and Other Requirements

All literature courses, except ENGLISH 3930 and ENGLISH 3990, count as humanities credit towards the general education requirements. All courses numbered 2000 or above have ENGLISH 1230 as a prerequisite.

Literature Emphasis

Course Title Credits
General Requirements
General Education40-53
Major Studies 1
English Literature. Select one of the following courses:3
British Literature I: Beginnings through the Age of Swift
British Literature II: Romanticism through the Present
American Literature. Select one of the following courses:3
American Literature Through the Civil War
American Literature Since the Civil War
Intro to Multi-Ethnic American Literature
World Literature. Select one of the following courses:3
World Literature I
World Literature II
Select on additional 2000-level literature course3
Select one course English literature besides Shakespeare at the 3000 or 4000 level3
Select one course in American Literature at the 3000 or 4000 level3
Select one course in World Literature at the 3000 or 4000 level 3
Select 3 credits of literature courses at the 3000 level or above 23
ENGLISH 4330Shakespeare on Page, Stage, and Screen3
ENGLISH 4680Writing/Editing Internship3
or ENGLISH 4950 Individual Research in English
Select 3 credits of Philosophy3
Third semester of a world language4
Select 6 credits of English writing or English Language course electives 36
Total Credits80-93

Students must earn a "C" or better in these courses.


At least one of the above courses other than Shakespeare must focus on literature before 1800.


A fourth semester world language may be used as a language elective.

World Language Requirement for Literature English Majors

Beyond UW-Platteville’s general education requirement for a world language, English literature majors are required to complete one world language through the fourth college semester (GERMAN 2240 or SPANISH 2840). Students must contact the foreign language program office in Room 228 of Warner Hall to determine at which level they should begin. The appropriate language faculty member can also determine competency and retroactive credit.

Students already fluent in a second language or for whom English is a second or other language are exempt from this requirement.

Philosophy Requirement for Literature English Majors

Literature English majors must take three credits (with a "C" or better) from any philosophy course.

English Education Emphasis

Course Title Credits
General Requirements
General Education40-53
Major Studies 1
Required Literature Courses: 218
Select one 3-credit American Literature course
Select one 3-credit British Literature course
Select one 3-credit World Literature course
Select 9 credits of other/additional literature courses. At least 9 credits must be at the 3000-level or above. 2
Creative Writing. Select one of the following courses:3
Introduction to Creative Writing
Poetry Writing
Fiction Writing
Creative Nonfiction Writing
Professional Writing. Select one of the following courses:3
Technical Writing
Advanced Writing
Writing, Editing, and Publishing in Multiple Media
Required Courses
ENGLISH 2210Introduction to Linguistics3
ENGLISH 3030Teaching of Composition 33
ENGLISH 3930Teaching of Literature 33
ENGLISH 4330Shakespeare on Page, Stage, and Screen3
Required Courses for the School of Education
TEACHING 4390Teaching of English in Middle and Secondary Schools 4,53
TEACHING 2130Human Growth and Development3
Total Credits82-95

Students must earn a "C" average or better in these courses.


At least three of the above literature courses must be at the 3000 level or above.


Pre or corequisite for TEACHING 4390 


Pre or corequisites: ENGLISH 3030 and ENGLISH 3930


Counts for total graduation credits, but does not count towards an English major

World Language Requirement for English Education Majors

Beyond UW-Platteville’s general education requirement for a world language, English education majors are required to complete one world language through the third college semester (GERMAN 2240 or SPANISH 2840). Students must contact the foreign language program office in Room 228 of Warner Hall to determine at which level they should begin. The appropriate language faculty member can also determine competency and retroactive credit.

Students already fluent in a second language or for whom English is a second or other language are exempt from this requirement.

Philosophy Requirement for English Education Majors

All English majors must earn a “C” or better in course(s) taken to fulfill the philosophy requirement. English education majors must take either PHLSPHY 1130 or PHLSPHY 2530.

Licensure Requirement for English Education Majors

All students intending to become licensed teachers must satisfy the requirements outlined in the teacher licensure section listed under the School of Education catalog description.

Requirements for the School of Education

  1. Pass Pre-Professional Skills Test
  2. Apply in sophomore year to the School of Education
  3. Fulfill requirements on middle/secondary education checklist
  4. Pass English content test (Praxis II)
  5. Satisfy the requirements outlined in the teacher licensure section listed under the School of Education in this catalog.

Professional Writing Emphasis

Course Title Credits
Required Courses 19
Technical Writing
Writing, Editing, and Publishing in Multiple Media
Writing/Editing Internship
Professional Writing Electives 19
Select 3 courses from the following:
Literary Magazines
Writing for Science and Research
Designing for Usability
Advanced Writing
Advanced Topics in Writing Studies (professional writing topic)
Creative Writing Electives 19
Select 3 courses from the following:
Introduction to Creative Writing
Poetry Writing
Fiction Writing
Creative Nonfiction Writing
Advanced Topics in Writing Studies (creative writing topic)
Advanced Manuscript Workshop
Language & Literature Electives 19
Select 3 courses from the following:
One to Two Literature Courses 2
Introduction to Linguistics
Language and Culture
History and Theory of Rhetoric
World Language Requirement 34-12
Total Credits36

Students must earn a "C-" or better in these courses.


One literature course must be 3000-level or above.


Beyond UWP’s General Education requirement for a world language, English majors with the Professional Writing Emphasis are also required to complete one language through the third semester (GERMAN 2340, or SPANISH 2940).  See your advisor as soon as possible to determine at which level you should begin.