College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science

Acting Dean: Philip Parker, Ph.D., PE
Assistant Dean for Special Projects: Jessica Fick, Ph.D.
Office: 254 Sesquicentennial Hall
Phone: 608.342.1561
Fax: 608.342.1566


The College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science (EMS) offers Bachelor of Science degrees in seven engineering programs accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET — civil, electrical, environmental, mechanical, industrial and systems engineering, software engineering, and engineering physics — along with degrees in applied computing, mathematics, chemistry, computer engineering, computer science, cybersecurity, and sustainability and renewable energy systems.

The College of EMS emphasizes hands-on, practical application of theories learned in the classroom through laboratory experiences, undergraduate research opportunities, placement in co-ops and internships, community engagement projects, and nearly two dozen professional clubs and organizations.


The mission of the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science is to provide an accessible, hands-on and affordable education for engineering, science, and mathematics students; and to provide them with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to contribute to the societal well-being and economic development of the state of Wisconsin, the Tri-State region, the nation, and the world.

Academic Standards

Students enrolled in degree programs within the College of EMS are governed by the academic standards of the university and the academic standards of their degree program. In some cases, the academic standards and requirements of a degree program are more rigorous than those of the university. For example, each degree program may stipulate grade requirements in specific major courses. In some programs, the requirement might be a “C-” in selected courses and a 2.0 grade point average over a number of specific courses.

Students may obtain detailed descriptions of a program’s academic standards and requirements from the specific program catalog section. The requirements of the engineering majors meet or exceed the General Education requirements in many areas, particularly mathematics and natural sciences. Therefore, the number of credits necessary to meet the university’s General Education requirements is not listed with each program. Students must satisfy the General Education requirements for a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts degree and are encouraged to work with their advisor or department chair to ensure that graduation requirements are met. The college and the university reserve the right to change both the college and the general university requirements at any time in order to better serve the long-range interests of students.

Transfer Students

The transfer of credits to meet program requirements must be approved by the appropriate program chair or program coordinator. If a professional program requires a minimum grade in a particular course, transfer of credits for that course from another institution will be allowed only if the required minimum grade was achieved.

UW-Platteville Engineering Partnerships

Students from anywhere in the state of Wisconsin can earn a UW-Platteville Bachelor of Science degree in three ABET-accredited engineering programs, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Industrial and Systems Engineering, through UW-Platteville Engineering Partnerships. After completing general education and pre-engineering courses (e.g., math, chemistry, physics), students apply to UW-Platteville when they are ready to begin taking their electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, or industrial and systems engineering courses. The program's unique hybrid delivery method, designed for working adults and students unable to move to Platteville, includes face-to-face and online courses along with hands-on lab experiences.

Internships and Cooperative Education

The College of EMS offers many internship and cooperative (co-op) education programs for qualified students. Internships are summer positions related to the student's major field of study. Co-ops, which combine classroom learning with on-the-job experience, allow students to relate theory to practice. The time frame for a co-op is considered one semester plus a summer session, and the work period is spent in full-time employment with private industry or a governmental agency. Students should contact their academic advisor or the Co-op and Internship Coordinator to discuss internship and co-op opportunities.

Education Abroad

There are a variety of study abroad programs that can fulfill EMS major and minor requirements as well as general education credits and electives. Programs specific to EMS majors are in Italy, Germany, Sweden, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Peru, Australia, Fiji, Turkey, Ghana, and Korea. However, there are more than 400 different programs abroad, including study abroad, exchange, student teaching, internships, service learning and volunteering, and research.

These credit-bearing programs embrace more than 200 different areas of study – in over 50 countries – and range in duration from two weeks to one year. Students are able to go abroad for a semester, an academic or calendar year, or over the spring, winter, and summer breaks on a short-term program. Students earn credit toward their degree and make an investment in their future.

College of EMS Student Success Programs

The College of EMS Student Success Programs (EMS SSP) facilitate student connections to campus resources and to each other. SSP is home to the following:

  • CenterPOINT - The College of EMS Center for Projects, Opportunities, Instruction, Networking and Teamwork (CenterPOINT) is a space designed to support student academic success. It's a great place for students to meet and work on group projects, study between classes, meet with a tutor or professor, learn about upcoming events and programs, and more.
  • Women in STEM Program - The Women in STEM Program educates and engages students, parents, and educators on gender diversity in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields to create a more diverse, competitive, and balanced workforce. Women in EMS programming creates a supportive community where women prosper.
  • Advising - Academic advisors and coaches are available to assist students with many academic topics. Depending upon the student’s academic status, an advisor in Academic Support Programs or a faculty advisor will be assigned. The advisor can assist student with priority registration, degree progress checks, academic planning, course and major selection, career and internship exploration, academic coaching, success skills (like time management and test taking skills) and locating and using campus resources. They can also help students transition to college by sharing appropriate campus resources.