Spanish Education Minor (Non-Licensure)*

The minor requires a total of 28 credits with a minimum of 12 credits selected from courses numbered 3000 or higher, including courses in SPANISH 4820 and SPANISH 3830. TEACHING 4060 is an additional requirement of the School of Education (credits do not count toward minor). Likewise, students interested in teaching may satisfy the language immersion requirement by enrolling in the World Language Travel Abroad Seminar for at least two credits. See the Spanish instructor for details. Spanish minors must have a G.P.A. of no lower than a 2.75 in Spanish courses.

Course Title Credits
Required Courses
SPANISH 3830Spanish Civilization3
SPANISH 4820Phonetics2
Spanish Courses
Select 23 credits with a minimum of 12 credits selected from courses numbered 3000 or higher:23
SPANISH 1840Elementary Spanish I4
SPANISH 1940Elementary Spanish II4
SPANISH 2840Intermediate Spanish I4
SPANISH 2940Intermediate Spanish II4
SPANISH 3000World Languages Travel Abroad Seminar 11-4
SPANISH 3820Spanish Conversation and Composition I2
SPANISH 3840Topics in Hispanic Literature and Culture1-3
SPANISH 3850Spanish American Literature and Culture I3
SPANISH 3860Spanish American Literature and Culture II3
SPANISH 3920Spanish Conversation and Composition II2
SPANISH 4620Cervantes2
SPANISH 4720Spanish Literature of the 20th Century2
SPANISH 4830Introduction to Spanish Literature I3
SPANISH 4850Supervised Independent Study1-4
SPANISH 4930Introduction to Spanish Literature II3
Required School of Education Course
TEACHING 4060Teaching World Languages: Theory and Practice 23
Total Credits23

Completion of this minor does not lead to licensure.  Please contact the School of Education with further questions.


Teaching minors may take at least two credits for purpose of immersion.


Credits do not count toward the minor.