College of Liberal Arts and Education

Interim Dean: Travis Nelson
Assistant Dean: Carrie Van Hallgren

Office: 160 Gardner Hall
Phone: 608.342.1151

Schools and Departments

Additional Programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Education

Vision, Mission, and Values

The vision of the College of Liberal Arts and Education (LAE) is to be a regional model for preparing students for lives of leadership and service in a diverse, global, and complex world.

The mission of the College of Liberal Arts and Education is to develop students for lives of leadership and service, critical and creative thinking, and stewardship of place.

The College of Liberal Arts and Education's core values must guide our decision-making and actions in great and challenging times.  We are committed to promoting, supporting, and advocating for:

  • Boundless and Creative Inquiry
  • Equity and Justice
  • High-Impact Learning
  • Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
  • Well-Being of Students, Faculty, and Staff

Applied Learning

The College of LAE offers classroom, computer, and laboratory facilities. State-of-the-art multimedia lecture rooms are used by our faculty, and many departments have computer labs that facilitate interactive learning. The Williams Fieldhouse provides up-to-date facilities for health and physical education programs, including a dual-purpose laboratory/lecture space. The Center for the Arts includes a 565-seat concert hall with excellent acoustics, a 200-seat theater, rehearsal halls, faculty studios, and numerous practice rooms. The Forensic Investigation Crime Scene House (FICSH) provides students the opportunity to conduct mock crime scene exercises, including search methods, clandestine gravesite excavation, and scenario training.

Internships and Co-ops

Various departments and programs provide students with opportunities to pursue work experiences through internships and co-ops. Students are able to use their classroom knowledge to solve real-world problems under the careful guidance of mentors and the supervision of university faculty members. These and other experiential learning opportunities offered by College of LAE departments and programs ensure that students are prepared to enter the workforce and pursue their career endeavors.

Policies and Procedures

Students enrolled in the College of LAE may earn a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.

A degree program consists of three parts:

  • General Education requirements
  • Major requirements
  • Minor requirements and/or electives

The General Education component has been established to provide all students, regardless of major, with a solid foundation for lifetime learning that is essential for successful personal and professional development. 

In addition to the General Education component, each degree candidate must complete a major offered in the College of LAE. A typical major program requires 36 credits. Comprehensive majors require 60 or more credits. A minor or second major (within or outside the College of LAE) is optional. In teacher education, students are required to have an approved comprehensive major, an approved major and minor, or two approved majors.

The College of LAE has added the following stipulation to its degree programs:

  • To earn a major, minor or certificate in the College of LAE, a student must have a minimum G.P.A. of 2.00 in all courses taken for the major, minor or certificate program. Individual departments within the college may establish higher requirements than the minimum set by the university or college for majors, minors and/or certificates.