Engineering Physics Major, B.S.

Academic Standards for Graduation

  1. An average G.P.A. > 2.00 is required for all professional engineering courses taken to fulfill the requirements of the Engineering Physics major (all required and elective engineering courses numbered 3000 or above) in order to graduate with an engineering physics degree.
  2. A “C-” or better is required in ENGRPHYS 4930 (or GENENG 4930 with departmental permission) in order to graduate with an engineering physics degree. 
  3. Prerequisite courses in mathematics, science, and engineering often require a "C-" or better to advance to the next course (see course descriptions in this Catalog for specific information).
  4. Only one “D/D+” in an ENGRPHYS course may be counted toward graduation with an engineering physics degree.


Course Title Credits
General Requirements
General Education26
Mathematics Courses
MATH 2640Calculus and Analytic Geometry I4
MATH 2740Calculus and Analytic Geometry II4
MATH 2840Calculus and Analytic Geometry III4
MATH 3630Differential Equations I3
Basic Science Courses
CHEMSTRY 1450Chemistry for Engineers5
PHYSICS 2240General Physics I4
PHYSICS 2340General Physics II4
PHYSICS 3140Modern Physics4
Other Courses
GENENG 1030Introduction to Engineering Projects1
GENENG 2030Engineering Modeling and Design3
COMPUTER 1430Introduction to Computer Programming3
Engineering Science Courses
GENENG 2130Engineering Mechanics-Statics3
ELECTENG 1210Circuit Modeling I3
ELECTENG 2210Circuit Modeling II4
Select one of the following pairs:7
Signals and Systems
Mechanisms and Machines
Mechanical Vibrations
Introduction to Electrical Machines and Power Systems
Analog Electronics
Logic and Digital Design
Engineering Physics Courses
ENGRPHYS 1020Engineering Physics Systems1
ENGRPHYS 3240Applied Mechanics4
ENGRPHYS 3640Electric and Magnetic Fields3
ENGRPHYS 3910Advanced Instrumentation1
ENGRPHYS 4010Engineering Physics Lab2
ENGRPHYS 4140Applied Optics4
ENGRPHYS 4210Sensor Lab2
ENGRPHYS 4330Engineering Quantum Mechanics3
ENGRPHYS 4530Design, Fabrication, and Simulation of MEMS3
ENGRPHYS 4930Engineering Physics Senior Design (OR GENENG 4930 with departmental permission)3
Professional Engineering Electives15
(A.) All Engineering Physics majors must complete 15 or more credits of Professional Engineering Electives. The department has created suggested concentrations that are listed below to help students select electives, but students may also choose their own elective options in consultation with their advisor. All courses under the ENGINEERING CONCENTRATIONS given below as well as those listed in OTHER PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING ELECTIVES are acceptable Professional Engineering Electives. Any course not listed will require department approval.
(B.) Only one of COMPENG 2780, SOFTWARE 2730, GENENG 2340 and MECHENG 2630 may count toward the 15 Professional Engineering Elective credits required for graduation.
(C.) Professional Engineering Elective courses may not "double-count" within the major. Specifically, a single course may not simultaneously satisfy an Engineering Science requirement (see above) and also count as a Professional Engineering Elective.
(D.) Engineering Physics majors may take Engineering Physics Cooperative Education, ENGRPHYS 3950, Engineering Physics Internship, ENGRPHYS 3970, or Engineering Physics Independent Study, ENGRPHYS 4990. Co-op and internship can count towards the Professional Engineering Elective requirement provided that the student makes a presentation (arranged by the Engineering Physics department) summarizing their experience after the internship or co-op has been completed. However, no more than two credits total amongst these three courses (ENGRPHYS 3950, ENGRPHYS 3970 and ENGRPHYS 4990) may be used to satisfy the Professional Engineering Elective requirement.
Total Credits123

Control Systems Concentration

Course Title Credits
(Take ELECTENG 3220 and MECHENG 3830 as Engineering Science courses.)
ELECTENG 3020Analog Electronics4
ELECTENG 3210Engineering Computation3
ELECTENG 3320Automatic Controls4
ELECTENG 4310Modern Control Systems4
or COMPENG 4320 Digital Signal Processing
or ELECTENG 4350 Discrete Time Control Systems
or ELECTENG 4260 Measurements and Instrumentation

Mechanisms, Machines, and Systems Concentration

Course Title Credits
GENENG 2340Mechanics of Materials4
MECHENG 3040Engineering Materials3
MECHENG 3330Design of Machine Elements3
MECHENG 3830Mechanisms and Machines3
MECHENG 4330Automatic Controls3
or MECHENG 4740 Mechanical Systems Design
or MECHENG 4800 Finite Element Method
or MECHENG 4830 Mechatronics
or MECHENG 4840 Advanced Vibrations
or MECHENG 4850 Computer-Aided Engineering

Electronics/Digital Systems Concentration

Course Title Credits
COMPENG 2780Logic and Digital Design4
COMPENG 3780Computer Architecture4
COMPENG 4720Computer Organization and Design4
or COMPENG 4750 Advanced Digital Design
+ 3 or more additional credits of Professional Engineering Electives3

Power Systems Concentration

Course Title Credits
ELECTENG 3020Analog Electronics4
ELECTENG 3210Engineering Computation3
ELECTENG 3410Introduction to Electrical Machines and Power Systems4
ELECTENG 4430Power Electronics4
or ELECTENG 4450 Power Systems Analysis and Design

Thermo-Fluid and Energy Systems Concentration

Course Title Credits
MECHENG 2630Thermodynamics3
MECHENG 3300Fluid Dynamics3
MECHENG 3640Heat Transfer3
MECHENG 4550Heat Transfer Applications3
or MECHENG 4560 Computational Fluid Dynamics
or MECHENG 4600 Energy Systems Design
or MECHENG 4730 Thermo-Fluid Systems Design
+ 3 or more additional credits of Professional Engineering Electives.3

Materials Science Engineering Concentration

Course Title Credits
GENENG 2340Mechanics of Materials4
MECHENG 3040Engineering Materials3
MECHENG 3230Manufacturing Processes3
or MECHENG 3830 Mechanisms and Machines
MECHENG 3330Design of Machine Elements3
MECHENG 4430Advanced Materials3
or MECHENG 4440 Failure of Materials
or MECHENG 4450 Composite Materials
or BME 4130 Biomechanics

Other Professional Engineering Electives

Course Title Credits
BME 3030Introduction to Biomedical Engineering3
BME 3230Introduction to Medical Instrumentation3
BME 4330Biofluidics3
ELECTENG 3130Solid State Electronic Devices4
ELECTENG 4040Analog IC Design4
ELECTENG 4060Electronic Communications4
ELECTENG 4360Intelligent Control4
ELECTENG 4440Electric Motor Drives4
ELECTENG 4980Current Topics in Engineering1-4
ENGRPHYS 3950Engineering Physics Cooperative Education 12
ENGRPHYS 3970Engineering Physics Internship 11
ENGRPHYS 4990Independent Study in Engineering Physics 11
ENGRPHYS 4980Special Topics in Engineering Physics1-3
INDSTENG 3730Engineering Management3
INDSTENG 4430Quality Engineering3
INDSTENG 4630Manufacturing Systems Design3
INDSTENG 4830Engineering Continuous Improvement3
MECHENG 3430Introduction to Computational Methods3
MECHENG 4230Design & Control of Manufacturing Systems3
MECHENG 4340Noise Control3
MECHENG 4720Thermal Systems Laboratory2
MECHENG 4820Advanced Manufacturing Processes3
MECHENG 4980Current Topics in Engineering1-3
SOFTWARE 2730Introduction to Software Engineering3
SOFTWARE 3020Advanced Software Engineering Tools1
SOFTWARE 3330Intermediate Software Engineering3
SOFTWARE 3430Object Oriented Analysis and Design3
SOFTWARE 3730Software Quality3
SOFTWARE 4130Real-Time Embedded Systems Programming3

1Engineering Physics majors may take ENGRPHYS 3950, ENGRPHYS 3970 or ENGRPHYS 4990. Co-op and internship can count towards the Professional Engineering Elective requirement provided that the student makes a presentation (arranged by the Engineering Physics department) summarizing their experience after the internship or co-op has been completed. However, no more than two credits total amongst these three courses (ENGRPHYS 3950, ENGRPHYS 3970 and ENGRPHYS 4990) may be used to satisfy the Professional Engineering Elective requirement.