ETHNSTDY 5720 Ethnic Rights and Politics 3 Credits
(Offered under ETHNSTDY 5720 AND POLISCI 5730.) Changing patterns of ethnic, gender, and race relations; legislative and judicial developments affecting civil rights; political movements; political, social, and economic discrimination; judicial system and legal protection for civil rights. Women and other minorities.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: POLISCI 5730
Typically Offered: Spring
ETHNSTDY 7980 Independent Study in Ethnic Studies 1-4 Credits
The amount of graduate credit allowed for independent study may not exceed a total of four credits except with the special permission of the student's advisor and the graduate dean. Approval must be secured before independent study courses are begun. Students registering for independent study must submit at or before registration a description signed by the instructor conducting the independent study of the subject to be covered. Independent study may not be used for collecting information for the seminar paper.
Components: Independent Study