Whether you can defer your loan payments is dependent on your registrations, as well as the type of loan you have. Student loan deferment forms must be processed by the Registrar’s Office. Please indicate on the deferment form if you are a distance learning student.
Deferment forms should be sent to:
Office of the Registrar
University of Wisconsin-Platteville
1 University Plaza
Platteville WI 53818-3099
The Registrar’s Office confirms your enrollment for deferment requests. Regulations permit the university to verify enrollment for UW-Platteville courses only. If you are taking courses at another institution, verification for those courses must come directly from that institution, even if you have a financial aid consortium agreement. If you take a combination of print and online courses, the number of credits you take, the start dates for those courses, and whether you already have loans in repayment status will determine how UW-Platteville reports your enrollment status. Because of the individual nature of the enrollment verification for distance education students, we encourage you to contact the Registrar’s Office prior to your enrollment to discuss your personal situation.