Organization Change Leadership (OCL)

OCL 7200 Strategic Thinking and Change 3 Credits

Given the level of competitiveness and the pace of change today, leading change has become a core leadership competency, and the ability for organizations to learn, grow, adapt, and change has become a core organizational capability. In today's rapidly shifting, global business envelopment, enterprises and facing profound change from multiple directions (the marketplace, competitors, advancing technologies, and growing client expectations)> Furthermore, changes are increasing at an accelerating pace, just as most workers and teams are pressured to deliver performance faster, cheaper, and smarter. The dynamic enterprise enables its people to deliver high performance under complex business conditions -- to turn chaos into strategy, and strategy into action.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: OCL 7330
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

OCL 7220 Communicating Organizational Change 3 Credits

Communicating change is an integral part of organizational practice whether communicating from, within, or about the organization. In a human-centered approach this course will focus on the usual organizational approaches and responses to communication about change and prepare students to develop and assess effective change communication through various methods.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Every Term

OCL 7330 Organizational Change Leadership: Theory and Practice 3 Credits

This course provides an introduction to leadership theory and practice, both generally and specifically. Strategies for identifying and positively affecting the core of the organization will be discussed. Methods for adapting to and affecting change in interpersonal and group situations will be covered. P: Previous course covering leadership topics (e.g. - introduction to leadership, organizational behavior).
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

OCL 7380 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation 3 Credits

Examines the nature of conflict as it occurs in organizations, how conflict can function both destructively and constructively in that context, and the history of how conflict has traditionally been viewed and managed in organizational contexts. Also, it considers the theory underlying the creation of integrated conflict management systems in organizations, the nature of such systems and how they are developed, designed and evaluated.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: OCL 7330
Typically Offered: Occasionally

OCL 7400 Creative Problem Solving 3 Credits

The Creative Problem Solving course will provide you with a basic framework for creative problem-solving and decision making in today's business environment. This class will build your self-analysis skills in the creative problem solving process by introducing you to the techniques and tools used by successful managers. After completing this class, you will be able to analyze the situation and choose the best approach to drive the creative problem solving process in an organizational setting.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: OCL 7330
Typically Offered: Spring - Summer

OCL 7410 Intercultural Change Leadership 3 Credits

This course is designed to provide the basics in intercultural communication change leadership and empower learners to handle a broad array of cultural differences in increasingly complex work environments. Individuals, team members, change agents and managers working in such an environment must be knowledgeable about other cultures and cultural differences. This course covers some of the field's theoretical findings and practical applications in intercultural change leadership and enables the participants to apply this knowledge in a multicultural and multinational business environment.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Summer

OCL 7500 Organizational Development 3 Credits

Organizational Development (OD) is a conscious, planned process of developing an organization's capabilities so that it can attain and sustain an optimum level of performance as measured by efficiency, effectiveness, and health. Through the process of OD, we attempt to bring about successful change efforts in individual employees, groups and teams, inter-groups, and organizations as well.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: BUSADMIN 5530 and OCL 7330
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

OCL 7510 Consulting for Organizational Change 3 Credits

This course will provide the foundation for future change agents to impact organizations through consulting. The course will help the novice consultant identify their core competencies that will add value within or to organizations, develop the skills and grit needed to lead organizational change, and communicate these change ideas through reports and presentations.
Components: Class, Discussion
Typically Offered: Spring

OCL 7530 Organizational Theory 3 Credits

This course builds on the material covered in Organizational Behavior by introducing students to organizational theory and behavior from a policy and management perspective. The literature on organization theory addresses questions about the external environment within which organizations operate as well as the strategies and processes that are adopted by organizations in response to their environment.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: BUSADMIN 5530 and OCL 7330
Typically Offered: Spring

OCL 7600 Change Leadership in Healthcare 3 Credits

This course examines managerial and change leadership concepts, issues, roles, and functions as applied to the role of the healthcare professional in various organizational settings.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Based on Student Demand

OCL 7610 Current Topics in Healthcare 3 Credits

Current issues in healthcare are discussed, analyzed, and addressed as they relate to change and change leadership. Course content will be modified and announced each time the course is presented to best represent current healthcare industry trends and issues.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: OCL 7600
Typically Offered: Based on Student Demand

OCL 7650 Change Leadership in Safety 3 Credits

The course stresses the importance of continuous measurement and improvement with a direct focus on the safety profession. The course will provide the various methods and techniques for effectively communicating, leading and supporting cultural change. This will course will guide the student through the application of change and leadership at all levels of their organization. The student will berequired to utilize all prior skill sets, coursework experiences, research and direct application of the core program material.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall

OCL 7660 The Study of Current Issues, Events, and Safety Solutions 3 Credits

The Study of Current Issues, Events, and Safety Solutions is entirely dedicated to researching current safety events, management issues, and the review of successful solutions. The students will choose their research based on the industry sector they are working in. The intent is to create a pathway to broaden professional experiences/knowledge on the subject of safety culture change and support as well as sustaining a professional network.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: OCL 7650
Typically Offered: Spring

OCL 7700 Strategic Human Resources 3 Credits

This course deals with the ways in which strategic thinking and change leadership foundations can be applied to Human Resource Management. It aims to provide students with opportunities to synthesize managerial strategy issues with HRM processes, in a considered and reflective manner. The course focuses on the way strategies can be formed and enacted in organizations and the internal and external environmental contexts from which human resource strategies emerge. It also deals with a range of contemporary issues in human resource management against a backdrop of a new and changing people management practices. Students are given the opportunity to enhance their skills in change leadership, teamwork, organizational analysis, problem solving and strategic.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall

OCL 7710 Current Issues in Human Resources 3 Credits

This course examines recent and emerging issues in the practice of human resource management (HRM) within the dynamics of organizational change, developing trends and outer pressures. This course is intended to bridge the gap between change leadership theory and practice in HRM (as introduced in OCL 7700) within a changing environment. Through the use of assigned readings, exploration of current issues found in the media, and discussions, students will experience numerous opportunities to examine and define ideas, behaviors and best practices in human resource management to address the changing nature of the organizational environment.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: OCL 7700
Typically Offered: Fall

OCL 7840 Capstone 3 Credits

Students will draw upon and synthesize knowledge and skills learned throughout the program by applying it to a topic or case study as assigned. This course is designed for the final course of the program.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

OCL 7920 Seminar Paper Research 3 Credits

Based on individual interest and consultation with an advisor, the student will be required to write an advanced research paper on a specific topic; the independent empirical research should serve as a capstone to the student's educational experience , and as a bridge to the student's future in the organizational change leadership field. This would replace the required core course of OCL 7840 Capstone.
Components: Seminar
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

OCL 7940 Special Topics 3 Credits

Designed to present to students specialized topics in the field of Change Management depending upon interest of students and approval of staff.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

OCL 7980 Independent Study 1-4 Credits

This course is designed to allow students to explore individual areas of interest and study. The amount of graduate credit allowed for independent study may not exceed a total of four credits except with special permission of the student's advisor and the graduate dean. Approval must be secured from the department faculty member and the student's advisor before independent study courses are begun by completing a form available from program staff. This form must include a description of the subject to be covered and must be submitted before registration will be approved.
Components: Independent Study
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

OCL 7990 Thesis Research 3 Credits

Completion and defense of a carefully delineated scholarly work advancing an original point of view as a result of research. The topic chosen must reflect the student's area of emphasis, if any, and must be approved by a thesis committee. If selected, this catalog course replaces the required core course OCL 7840 Capstone. (Contact advisor for prior approval and registration instructions)
Components: Thesis Research
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer