Health and Human Performance (HHP)

HHP 5030 Introduction to Sport Administration 3 Credits

This course will analyze organizational leadership structures of contemporary sport agencies. Students will evaluate constructs of administrative theory and practice through differentiated group learning activities to create a holistic understanding of administrative leadership constructs pertinent to professional, collegiate, nonprofit, esports, global and youth sport organizations.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall

HHP 5080 Career Construction and Identity Development in Sport Administration 3 Credits

Students will apply career and professional development theories to administrative practice to inform professional advancementin the sport industry. Students will analyze and apply networking and branding strategies for personal career advancement. Students will create and demonstrate methods to facilitate continuing education for employees within their future organization.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring

HHP 5220 Teaching Issues Relating to Alcohol, Drugs, and Sexuality 2 Credits

This course covers information and explores strategies, programs, and teaching techniques to prepare the teaching candidate to teach in a school setting. The teacher candidate is required to perform 5 hours of teaching in a school setting. P: HHP 2030 Spring.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring

HHP 5500 Methods in Teaching Health Education 3 Credits

Utilization of approved methods and materials for teaching health in grades kindergarten through 12; application of course content and procedures involved in health teaching.
Components: Class

HHP 6020 Psychology of Coaching 2 Credits

The principles and techniques applicable to coaching interschool activities.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring

HHP 6040 Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Organizations 3 Credits

The course will analyze the many issues of diversity in the sports arena and the systematic global challenges and barriers that impact a diverse population of individuals who work within this industry. This course will develop a shared understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion in sport. Study will examine and apply methods of inclusive hiring practices and equitable opportunity in sport as a framework to enhance sport organizational culture.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring - Summer

HHP 6230 Methods in Middle/Secondary Physical Education 3 Credits

This course explores all the elements of planning for, managing, and instructing physical education classes. Students will be given the opportunity to work directly with school-age students, and reflect upon their experiences. Students will plan lessons, evaluate in-service teachers as well as their peers, and develop a number of teaching strategies.
Components: Class

HHP 6330 Organization, Administration, and Curriculum of Physical Education and Health 3 Credits

The Physical Education Teaching candidate will evaluate, critic, research, justify, and create a K-12 Health or Physical Education scope and sequence that will contain education goals to meet specific standards, course schedule, budget, and evaluation tools that will demonstrate the students' knowledge, skills, and understanding of the educational system.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall

HHP 6430 Current Issues in Health and Physical Education 1-3 Credits

Study of current topics in health and physical education.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Summer

HHP 6940 Seminar in Community and Environmental Health Education 3 Credits

In-depth research and presentation of material related to topical health issues and service learning.
Components: Seminar

HHP 6960 Independent Study in Physical Education 1-3 Credits

The amount of graduate credit applied toward a master's degree may not exceed a total of four credits except with the special permission of the student's advisor, the program head, and the Dean of The School of Graduate Studies. Approval must be secured before independent study courses begin. Students registering for independent study must submit at or before registration an approved independent study proposal form. This form must be signed by the instructor conducting the independent study, the department chairperson, the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, and the student. Independent study may not be used for collecting information for the seminar paper. Students enrolling for independent study may obtain an independent study proposal form and instruction sheet from the School of Graduate Studies Office online at A student may register for more than the maximum number of independent study credits allowed by a subject area. However, the student may only apply the maximum number of independent study credits allowed by a subject area toward a master's degree at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.
Components: Independent Study
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

HHP 7030 Event Management in Sport Administration Athletics 3 Credits

This course examines the major tenets of event management to produce sport specific competitions and events. Students will analyze current events to understand how to best create a comprehensive event management protocol and assessment plan that can be applied to future practice.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring

HHP 7050 Legal Aspects of Sport Administration 3 Credits

This course will examine the legal aspects and governance structures of sport agencies and governing bodies. Students will apply and evaluate sport governance structures, compliance protocols, and risk management strategies to enhance sport organizational leadership. Students will apply legal policies to practitioner settings and case studies in sport administration to enhance organizational effectiveness and compliance.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall

HHP 7070 Sports Administration in a Global Society 3 Credits

Students will examine how contemporary sport administration serves as a vehicle for change and collaboration in society. Students will evaluate and assess how levels of cultural intelligence in sport organizations influence collaboration. In turn, students will evaluate their own knowledge of the global influence of sport. Finally, students will create a strategic approach to develop an enhanced shared understanding of the global influence of sport across organizations.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Summer

HHP 7420 Practicum in Athletic Coaching 2-6 Credits

Actual experience related to the coaching of an athletic team under the leadership of an experienced coach and teacher.
Components: Field Studies
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

HHP 7920 Seminar Paper Research 2 Credits

The seminar paper or educational project need not be a report of original and independent research. It must demonstrate, however, the student's ability to survey a field of knowledge and assemble, organize, evaluate, interpret, and present evidence in a logical and intelligent manner. Although the seminar paper or educational project may originate from work done in connection with one of the student's graduate courses and be based upon a term paper or course project, it must be more comprehensive and complete in coverage and treatment. In consultation with the program advisor, the student proposes a seminar paper or educational project and a seminar paper or educational project advisor. An approved seminar paper or educational project proposal must be submitted and approved prior to registration. There is a website with useful links to guide the graduate student in grammar, style, evaluating web resources, and formats. The seminar paper or educational project advisor will provide guidance regarding the site. The site may be accessed through the University's Karrmann Library.
Components: Seminar
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

HHP 7970 Sport Administration Capstone and Practicum 3 Credits

This course will apply methods of career assessment to assist with personal career planning. Students will create a formal professional vision and portfolio utilizing artifacts from courses completed during their core and emphasis area courses.
Components: Practicum
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

HHP 7980 Independent Study in Health Education 1-3 Credits

The amount of graduate credit allowed for independent study may not exceed a total of three credits. Approval must be secured before independent study courses are begun. Students registering for independent study must submit at or before registration a description signed by the instructor conducting the independent study of the subject to be covered. Independent study may not be used for collecting information for the seminar paper.
Components: Independent Study

HHP 7990 Thesis Research 3-6 Credits

The thesis may be an outgrowth of a research course (e.g. TEACHING 7000 Research Procedures) or may be developed independently within the program area. The thesis will report the results of original and independent student research on a given problem or topic, by systematic and impartial methods, and will demonstrate the student's ability to use techniques customarily employed in the particular field of investigation. Although a thesis for the master's degree may not always be expected to make a significant contribution to existing knowledge, it should be a scholarly document that is accurate, verifiable, objective, and impartial. In consultation with the program advisor, the student proposes a committee of three faculty members. The committee normally includes the thesis advisor, one additional major department member, and one faculty member from another department. In some instances, a student may prefer a thesis advisor who is different from the program advisor assigned at the time of admission. An approved thesis proposal must be submitted and approved prior to registration. There is a website with useful links to guide the graduate student in grammar, style, evaluating web resources, and formats. (Thesis students will find the Texas A and M link useful for formatting procedures and other technical assistance.) The thesis advisor will provide guidance regarding the site. The site may be accessed through the University's Karrmann Library.
Components: Thesis Research