Business Administration (BUSADMIN)

BUSADMIN 5010 Business Communication 3 Credits

Communication strategies and techniques used in business; practice in writing effective memos, letters and reports; oral communication skills developed in influencing group decisions and making presentations; employment correspondence and interviewing. P: ENGLISH 1230 and SPEECH 1010
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

BUSADMIN 5030 Human Resource Management 3 Credits

An introduction to topics such as human resource planning, equal employment opportunity, selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation, safety and health, and employee and labor relations. The impact of laws and of societal and business trends on human resource functions is also presented. Each manager's role in dealing with human resources is emphasized.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

BUSADMIN 5100 Total Rewards 3 Credits

An exploration of the discipline of compensation management. The processes of job analysis and job evaluation are discussed as methods to determine internal pay equity. Market wage surveys are presented as a means to ensure external equity. Wage scale development and various employee benefit options are discussed. Other topics include wage and benefit-related laws, performance appraisal, and motivation theories.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: BUSADMIN 3030/5030 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

BUSADMIN 5130 Legal Environment of Business 3 Credits

This is a study of the legal and ethical environment of business and its effects on business decisions. The course includes the substantive areas of contract law, tort, criminal law, government regulation, employment law, consumer protection, antitrust, environmental law, and securities law. We will also examine the ethical implications of legal disputes in business.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

BUSADMIN 5340 Management, Gender and Race 3 Credits

(Offered under BUSADMIN 5340 and WOMGENDR 5340) This course reviews the changing nature of management and explains why gender and race/ethnicity have become important considerations in business. It examines the status of women and people of color in managerial or administrative positions and discusses socialization processes, stereotypes, equal employment opportunity laws, illegal harassment, and power in organizations. Networking, mentoring, work/life balance, and career planning also are addressed.
Components: Class
Cross Offering: WOMGENDR 5340
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

BUSADMIN 5500 Talent Development 3 Credits

Employee Training and Development is an upper-division course that examines the principles and practices of these two critical processes in a variety of organizational settings. The course presents a comprehensive overview of training and development topics. Throughout the course students acquire and then demonstrate a knowledge base in each of these areas. At the end of the course, students are prepared to conduct efficient and effective training and development programs within the Human Resources department of an organization.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall

BUSADMIN 5530 Organizational Behavior 3 Credits

Organization, in and of themselves, do not behave, the people within them do. This course will give students a comprehensive view of organizational theory and behavior by studying individual and group behaviors and how these interrelate with the organization's structure, systems, and goals.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

BUSADMIN 5540 Quality Management 3 Credits

Provides an understanding of the tools, language, and techniques used in the field of Quality Management (QM). The history of the quality movement, major tenets of the field, theorists and their philosophies, and the use of basic tools of Quality Management will be covered in this course. The course focus will be project-based in a team environment.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

BUSADMIN 5620 Corporate Finance 3 Credits

An introduction to the finance function and financial management of the firm, including techniques of financial analysis, working capital management, capital budgeting, the acquisition and management of corporate capital, and dividend policy. Analysis of how the financial manager influences the decision-making process within the firm.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: One year undergraduate accounting or graduate equivalent or consent of instructor or department chair.
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

BUSADMIN 5650 International Finance 3 Credits

This course is a comprehensive study of the role of international finance in business. Topics will include the foreign exchange market, determination of interest rates, international banking, international capital markets, international investments and international corporate finance.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: BUSADMIN 3620 (BUSADMIN 5620) or equivalent, or permission of the department chair.
Typically Offered: Based on Student Demand

BUSADMIN 5720 International Marketing 3 Credits

A conceptual focus on the breadth of the international marketing management area (i.e., problems, strategies and techniques), plus a survey background in such environmental factors as legal, cultural, economic, financial, and regional characteristics. The purpose is to prepare students and practicing business managers for successful operations in the world marketing environment of developing, industrial, and/or technological nations. P: A marketing course or consent of instructor.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

BUSADMIN 5740 Consumer Behavior 3 Credits

Consumer behavior reaches for a better understanding of the consumer buying process. It begins with an examination of basic, standard steps that consumers take while making a purchasing decision and moves into consumer motives based on various consumer cohorts. The marketing student after having studied consumer behavior will have a stronger appreciation for the basis of consumer needs and will be better prepared to serve them. P: Introductory marketing course or consent of instructor or department chair.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring

BUSADMIN 6100 Supply Chain Management 3 Credits

This course focuses on the principles and concepts of Supply Chain Management, as well as a review of the role of Supply Chain Management functions within an organization. Analytical and evaluative skills are developed through critical examination of theories, models, tools and techniques employed. Topics covered include Strategic Sourcing, Forecasting and Collaborative Planning, Inventory Management, Customer Relationship Management, and Service Response Logistics.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

BUSADMIN 6160 Purchasing Management 3 Credits

This course focuses on the managerial, administrative, strategic and tactical aspects of the purchasing function. Emphasis will be placed on the pertinent issues in purchasing management for both goods and services business sectors. The course will explore the managerial perspective of the core tasks and challenges required to effectively manage the purchasing function within the context of an integrated supply chain. P: BUSADMIN 4100 or consent of instructor.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall

BUSADMIN 6170 Predictive Analytics 3 Credits

A study of the history of prediction, quantitative efforts used to predict human behavior, its effect on society and culture and its use in all sectors of the economy. The areas of Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing will be discussed.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

BUSADMIN 6200 Talent Acquisition 3 Credits

This course provides students with an understanding of these two critical processes in a variety of organizational settings. Throughout the course, students acquire and then demonstrate a knowledge base in each of these areas by completing various projects. At the end of the course, students are prepared to conduct efficient and effective recruiting and selection programs within the human resources department of organizations.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: BUSADMIN 3030/5030 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Spring

BUSADMIN 6330 Employee and Labor Relations 3 Credits

Gives an overview of the process of labor relations, in which management deals with employees who are represented by a union. The history of major labor unions and primary labor laws and court cases are covered, along with the general structure and operational aspects of today's labor organizations. Union certification, collective bargaining, and dispute resolution are discussed in detail. Students also participate in a mock labor contract negotiation project and analyze sample grievances.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: BUSADMIN 3030/5030 or consent of instructor
Typically Offered: Based on Student Demand

BUSADMIN 6630 Marketing Management 3 Credits

The determination of market policy; marketing administration and application of principles pertaining to management of marketing resources. P: Two marketing courses or consent of the instructor or department chair.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall

BUSADMIN 6750 Master's International Short Study 3 Credits

The short-term study abroad course is designed to help graduate students develop an understanding of the world's economies, the globalization of technology, capital, industries, systems, goods, services, and inputs that have enhanced much of the international issues in business practices and cultures. An overview of the international business environment, including business strategies, history, and cultures will be covered.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: Enrolled in a graduate program and in good standing
Typically Offered: Occasionally

BUSADMIN 6840 Strategic Management 3 Credits

Strategic management is the process of identifying and capturing a unique and valuable market position. This course will introduce students to the origins of strategic management as a discipline, its dominant theoretical and practical frameworks, and set a common foundation for evaluating, discussing, and implementing strategy.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer

BUSADMIN 6940 Special Problems 1-4 Credits

Supervised readings in specialized areas. P: Approval of the department chairperson. Appropriate forms must be filled out by students with approval of the instructor and the department chairperson.
Components: Independent Study

BUSADMIN 7010 Business Analytics 3 Credits

Students will learn how to apply business analytics tools and techniques to decision making for managers and leaders. Business analytics is a process of transforming data into actions through analysis and insights in the context of organizational decision making and problem solving. This course provides students with the fundamental concepts and tools needed to understand the emerging role of business analytics in organizations. Students will learn how to apply basic business analytics tools in a spreadsheet environment, and how to communicate with analytics professionals to effectively use and interpret analytic models and results for making better business decisions.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

BUSADMIN 7150 eMarketing Applications 3 Credits

This course examines the link between marketing strategy, technology, and business decision making to prepare a marketer to assume a leadership role in a dynamic environment of hyper-competition. Course content will build upon the theoretical underpinnings from strategic management and marketing management by adding the practical complexities of managing innovative technologies.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: BUSADMIN 6630 BUSADMIN 7000
Typically Offered: Summer

BUSADMIN 7200 Leading in a Global Environment 3 Credits

This course provides a comprehensive perspective on leadership and management in a global environment including the investigation of leadership styles and theory. It will focus on establishing leadership skills for competitive advantage. Sensitivity to differences in cultural and social institutions is also emphasized as an element of leading in the global, corporate world.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring - Summer

BUSADMIN 7540 Advanced Quality Management 3 Credits

This course focuses on achieving quality through continuous improvement of processes, customer satisfaction, and creation of a team environment. Emphasis on major tenets of the field, systems thinking, Hoshin planning, and data collection and analysis.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: BUSADMIN 3540/BUSADMIN 5540 Quality Management, or consent of the instructor, or enrollment in the MS Integrated Supply Chain Management program
Typically Offered: Fall

BUSADMIN 7600 Applied Project Management 3 Credits

This course is organized around the project management life-cycle and provides students with essential project management concepts, with a focus on the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®), while addressing an important area of industry growth: the use of projects to achieve the strategic goals of organizations. Furthermore, this course is an introduction to contemporary project management tools and techniques across three broad areas: organizing and initiating projects, planning projects, and performing projects.
Components: Class
Typically Offered: Spring - Summer

BUSADMIN 7840 Capstone in Strategic Management 3 Credits

This course focuses on strategic management concepts, theories, and techniques, specifically emphasizing the process of identifying and capturing a unique and valuable market position by systematically evaluating the firm's external and internal environments to produce a range of responses that capture value for the firm. Students may draw on topics from their workplace or other organizations that they are involved in managing. Capstone work (minimum 150 hours) will be completed in partnership with a capstone instructor. A substantive project report demonstrating summative application of previous coursework will be expected, as well as a self-reflective paper.
Components: Class
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: ACCTING 7000, BUSADMIN 5530, BUSADMIN 6630, BUSADMIN 7000, ISCM 7100, OCL 7330 AND OCL 7500
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring - Summer