Course Information

Understanding Course Descriptions


ENVSS 3330 Environmental Conservation 3 Credits

How to adequately conserve our environment in the face of global changes is one of the big questions of our time and depends on both science and policy to create effective solutions. This course explores the relationship between societies and the natural environment with an emphasis on conservation strategies, policies, and conflicts. Students will analyze the use and misuse of natural resources, global conservation initiatives, and the history of conservation thought and practice to understand the critiques and promise of various approaches to conservation.
Components: Class
GE: Social Sciences
Prereqs/Coreqs: P: Junior standing or (ENGLISH 1230 and ENVSS 1040)
Typically Offered: Fall - Spring

This upper level course would be found in the Environmental Sciences and Society section of the course description area. It has a prerequisite of junior standing or ENGLISH 1230, and ENVSS 1040. It carries Social Sciences general education credit.  It is typically offered in the fall and spring semesters.

Course Subject

The course subject is listed in capital letters to the left of the course number.  A complete listing of undergraduate subjects may be found here.

Course Number

0000-0990 No credit toward degree (does not count toward 120 credit minimum)
1000-2990 (or 200W-299W) Lower level undergraduate course
3000-4990 (or 300W-499W) Upper level undergraduate course
5000 or higher Graduate level course


The course credits are listed to the right of the course title. One credit hour represents one hour of class time per week plus two hours of out-of-class study.

Course Title and Course Description

The course title is listed in bold. A brief description of the course is included after the title.

Component Designation

The component indicates the course pedagogy, such as Class (Lecture), Discussion, Field Studies, Independent Study, Laboratory, Practicum, Research, Seminar, or Thesis.  A course may have one or more components.

General Education (GE) Designation

The GE course attribute(s) listed denote which general education requirement(s) and/or competency a course carries:

  • ENGL: Carries general education English Composition competency credit
  • ETHNIC: Carries general education Ethnic Studies credit
  • FINE A: Carries general education Fine Arts credit
  • GENDER: Carries general education Gender Studies credit
  • GLOBAL: Carries general education Global Studies credit
  • HHP: Carries general education Physical Activity competency credit
  • HHPWEL: Carries general education Wellness competency credit
  • HIST P: Carries general education Historical Perspective credit
  • HUMAN: Carries general education Humanities credit
  • MATH: Carries general education Mathematics competency credit
  • NAT SC: Carries general education Natural Sciences credit
  • SOC SC: Carries general education Social Sciences credit
  • SPEECH: Carries general education Speech competency credit
  • W LANG: Carries general education World Languages-First Term competency credit

Prerequisite and/or Corequisite Designation

P: Designates that the course has a prerequisite (a course that must be taken before this class)
C: Designates that the course has a corequisite (a course that must be taken at the same time as this class)

Typically Offered Designation

Designates which semester or term the course is typically offered. This serves as a general guide and does not guarantee that a course will be offered during a particular semester or term: fall, spring, summer. Contact the department for current information on course offerings and rotation. Students who find courses without a semester designation should consult with the department chairperson.