
Grade Point Average

Graduate students must maintain a 3.00 grade point average.

The grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credits attempted at UW-Platteville.

The cumulative grade point average does not include credits and grade points earned at other colleges or universities. When students repeat courses, only the most recent grade is counted in figuring the grade point average.

Minimum Standard

Graduate credits in which a grade lower than a “C-” has been earned will not be counted toward a degree1; however, these lower grades will be reflected in the student’s grade point average.

All credits attempted within a given program will be counted toward the GPA, even if credits for a particular course will not be counted toward program completion requirements.

To be eligible for graduation, students must have both an overall AND a program GPA of at least 3.0.


Minimum grade may vary for specific programs.

Grading System

All credits are recorded as semester hours.

Grade Definition Grade Points
A Excellent 4.00
A- 3.70
B+ 3.30
B Good 3.00
B- 2.70
C+ 2.30
C Fair 2.00
C- 1.70
D+ 1.30
D Poor 1.00
F Fail 0.00
I Incomplete
P Pass (equivalent to D or higher)
W Withdrawn
AUD Audit (Satisfactory)

Grading mistakes should be rectified before the end of the ninth week of the ensuing semester. It is the student’s responsibility to call the instructor’s attention to any error in grading as soon as possible after grades are reported. It is the instructor’s responsibility to correct grading errors.

Course Incompletes

An Incomplete (I) may be given when a student fails to complete all requirements for a course during the term of registration.

  • With the exception of theses, any incomplete must be removed within six months from the end of the term in which the incomplete was awarded or the incomplete will become a Failure (F). At the discretion of the instructor, a single extension of six additional months may be granted if the student makes the request for the extension before the initial six-month deadline.
  • For theses, the incomplete must be removed within one year after the semester of registration unless an additional year is requested by the student and granted by the instructor.

Repeating Courses

Graduate students may repeat a course taken for graduate credit. A course may be repeated once without prior approval. Third or subsequent course attempts require the approval of the student's advisor and the College Dean prior to or at the time of registration. For all course repeats, the grade earned in the repeated course replaces the grade earned for all prior attempts of the course, even if the first or subsequent repeats result in a lower grade than the grade for the course taken initially.  All course attempts will be on the record but only the grade for the final attempt of a course will be reflected in the student's grade point average.


Courses and workshops may be offered at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville on a pass or fail basis. Only a grade of “Pass or Fail” will be recorded for courses taken under this system. Three credits of pass or fail work completed with a pass may be counted toward a master’s degree.

Auditing Courses

A grade of “satisfactory” must be earned in any course audited in order to have such audit appear on the student’s transcript. If the grade is “unsatisfactory,” the audited course shall not appear on the transcript. Audit cards must be filed at the Registrar's Office during the first week of classes.